Remarry my wife

Chapter 456 Chen Zi's Threat

Chapter 456 Chen Zi's Threat (1)

He had a bad premonition in his heart, took the car keys at the side and rushed out. As soon as he reached the lobby, the housekeeper stopped him.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Tang was very panicked now.

"Miss called, she said it was about young mistress." The butler replied.

As soon as he heard about the young mistress, Xiao Tang quickly rushed over and answered the phone.

"Brother Ah Tang." Chen Zi's hoarse voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Chen Zi, where's Su Ruo?" Xiao Tang frowned tightly.

"Here I am." Chen Zi took the words.

"Chen Zi, what exactly do you want?" Xiao Xuan became angry, and Chen Zi actually took Su Ruo away.

"Brother Ah Tang, what you say is good or bad, I feel so uncomfortable listening to it!" Chen Zi's dissatisfied voice.

"You ask Su Ruo to answer the phone."

"I let her have a good night's sleep, so as not to disturb others."

"Where is that child?" Xiao Tang was anxious, but forced himself to calm down.

"Brother Ah Tong, that child is not yours. Why are you nervous? I'll let someone take the child. People who cry are upset." Chen Zi became a little impatient when she mentioned this.

"Don't go too far, or I'll never end with you." Xiao Tang said in a cold voice, and he would no longer regard Chen Zi as his sister.

"Hehe... I want to be entangled with you for the rest of my life, it's best to be endless." Chen Zi's laughter came over.

"You tell me directly, how can we let Su Ruo and the child go?" Xiao Tang stretched out his hand and pressed his temple. How could he have such a terrible sister?What a scourge.

"Divorce Su Ruo, then marry me, you should know, I am pregnant with your child, I want to give the child an identity, I want a grand wedding, let everyone see that I have become the daughter of the Xiao family Owner."

"Impossible!" Xiao Tang refused without thinking, he would never divorce Su Ruo, unless he didn't want to live a good life in the next life.

"You will agree, otherwise Su Ruo won't be able to see the sun of tomorrow." Chen Zi sneered, she has lost herself because of love, she has come to this point, she can only bite the bullet and go on, even if Xiao If she doesn't love herself, she will continue.

(End of this chapter)

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