Remarry my wife

Chapter 457 Chen Zi's Threat

Chapter 457 Chen Zi's Threat (2)

"Chen Zi, how did you become like this? You obviously have a good future, why are you so obsessed with it? Where did that innocent girl go?" After hearing this, Xiao Tang was angry and heartbroken. The impression suddenly collapsed, Chen Zi is no longer the former her.

"I became like this because I love you so much. I will send you the divorce agreement today, and I will send someone to pick it up at this time tomorrow. If you don't do it, I will kill Su Ruo directly." Chen Zi roared.

Hearing Chen Zi's vicious voice, Xiao Tang was so angry that his chest heaved up and down, and he wanted to say something, but the other end of the phone had already hung up, and there was a busy tone...

Xiao Tang looked at the phone, put it back hard, then turned around and was about to go back to the study.

Chen Zihan did not know when he appeared behind him.

"Chen Zi wants you to marry her?" Chen Zihan asked with a pale face.

Xiao Tang nodded.

"You are not allowed to marry her, otherwise how will the Xiao family behave when they go out in the future!" Chen Zihan burst into anger. A daughter, sibling marriage is incest.

"Mom, I'll figure it out on my own. Go back and rest." Xiao Tang was tired enough now, he didn't want his mother to intervene again.

"Tell me what conditions she used to threaten you?" Seeing Xiao Tang's irritability, Chen Zihan already knew it.

"Mom, I'll take care of this." Xiao Tang's tone increased.

"Did she threaten you with Su Ruo and the child?" Chen Zihan asked back.

"Yes, she wants me to divorce Su Ruo and then marry her." Annoyed by his mother's question, Xiao Tang replied.

"Then you should get a divorce. As for getting married, you should know how to do it yourself." Chen Zihan frowned upon hearing this.

"Mom, I see. Go back and rest. I'm very annoying now. Let me be quiet, okay?"

Only then did Chen Zihan turn around and leave...

PS: It’s not that I don’t update, it’s that the system is smoked, and I can’t update at all. I don’t need to struggle with my manuscript fees, so if you say I’m irresponsible, I can only be speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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