Remarry my wife

Chapter 464 Love Is Like Poison

Chapter 464 Love Is Like Poison (2)

Seeing Xiao Tang turned around to leave, Chen Zi clenched her fists, her face darkened, and she shouted at Xiao Tang: "Brother Ah Tang, if you treat me badly, I will pay it back to Su Ruo."

Xiao Tang stopped when he heard this, his face was very ugly, since he was a child, no one could threaten him like this, Chen Zi is No.1, he really has to admire her!
"If you don't want Su Ruo and the child to suffer, then be nice to me, Brother Ah Tong, I love you so much." Seeing Xiao Tang's back, Chen Zi walked up, stretched out her hand and hugged Xiao Tang from behind, Leaning his head on her back, Xiao Tang could smell the faint smell of tobacco in his nostrils, which made people feel comfortable and at ease.

Feeling the temperature behind his back, Xiao Tang wanted to push away, but he still held back. Although such a touch made him feel sick, but thinking of Su Ruo and the child, his men haven't found their whereabouts until now. Don't be too impulsive, give it a few hugs if you want, anyway, you won't lose fast meat.

Chen Zi didn't know whether she was addicted to hugging or what, she kept hugging Xiao Tang like this and felt worried, which made Xiao Tang's expression more and more unhappy.

"Cough..." There was a coughing sound.

When Xiao Tang saw his mother coming down the stairs, he called out to her.

Chen Zi, who was behind her, came back to her senses and let go of Xiao Tang. The feeling just now made her nostalgic, and she was reluctant to let go.

Chen Zi looked at the expressionless Chen Zihan, and sweetly called out "Mom".

"I don't have a daughter like you." Chen Zihan replied coldly.

Both Xiao Tang and Chen Zi changed their faces, Xiao Tang's face changed because he was afraid that Chen Zi would still treat Su Ruo and the child with this.

"Ah, mom thinks the air here is not good, and wants to go abroad to take care of her body. You can buy mom today's plane ticket." Chen Zihan still had no expression on her face. She had thought about it, and she couldn't help her son here. Don't worry about it, it still depends on Xiao Tang and Chen Zi's marriage. She can't afford to lose face. Rather than being unable to stop it, it's better to be out of sight. She believes that her son can solve this matter. After the matter is over, It's not too late to come back.

When Xiao Tang heard this, he wished for it in his heart. Now that his mother is gone, he will have less burden. After he settles everything, he will take his mother back. Then the family can still get along happily as before.

(End of this chapter)

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