Remarry my wife

Chapter 465 Love Is Like Poison

Chapter 465 Love Is Like Poison (3)

When Xiao Tang heard this, he wished for it in his heart. Now that his mother is gone, he will have less burden. After he settles everything, he will take his mother back. Then the family can still get along happily as before.

"Mom, you're going to be a witness for me and Brother Ah Tong!" Chen Zi said, although Chen Zihan's tone was bad, but she decided to ignore it.

"Find someone else to do it, Ah Tiao, buy me a plane ticket today." Chen Zihan turned around and left after speaking. Seeing her son being threatened by others, she really became more and more angry. No matter how powerful a person is, he has a weakness. , are all material for being bullied, I can't stand it, I really can't stand it.

Seeing that Chen Zi was about to speak, Xiao Tang stretched out his hand to cover Chen Zi's mouth, and only let go of the struggling Chen Zi after Chen Zihan left.

"Why don't you let me talk?" Chen Zi was furious.

"If you are still thinking about my mother's kindness to you in the past, please be told everything. I have already promised to marry you, so don't cause trouble." Knowing what Chen Zi will say later, I am sure If his mother is angry, Xiao Tang can only do this.

"No, I..."

"I will make it up to you. Let my mother go abroad to raise her body." Xiao Tang was really helpless.

"Then how will you compensate me?" Chen Zi finally calmed down a lot.

"ask you."

Chen Zi thought for a while, and then said: "You will love me more in the future. I want this wedding to be extremely luxurious. I want to marry a princess to a prince. I want everyone to share my joy."

Hearing that it was this compensation, Xiao Tang was slightly relieved, asking him to love her more, this is nothingness, the wedding needs to be well known, even if he doesn't promote it, he bears the title of the richest man in City R, plus It's hard not to be a sensation if you marry her own sister!
"Brother Ah Tang, can you not?" Chen Zi said coquettishly, holding Xiao Tang's hand.

"Yes." Xiao Tang replied, his voice was still calm, he really couldn't even pretend to be happy.

"Brother Ah Tang, I really love you." Seeing Xiao Tang agreeing, Chen Zi was extremely happy.

Xiao Tang let Chen Zi hold his arm, but his mind was full of Su Ruo's frown and smile, love, love, sometimes it's really poison!
(End of this chapter)

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