Remarry my wife

Chapter 466 Because I Don’t Love You

Chapter 466 Because I Don’t Love You (1)

Su Ruo looked at the sea outside the window. She only knew yesterday that she was imprisoned on the island, which is the island where Zheng Yuan stayed last time. Now she and her child are at Zheng's house.

Outside the window, you can still see the aborigines playing on the beach, but yesterday and today are different things.

I was already with the child yesterday, and Zheng Yuan carried the child away early in the morning. He wanted to take her with him, but she refused because she was not feeling well.

After looking at the sea for a while, Su Ruo returned to the bed, lying on the bed and staring at the ceiling in a daze.

Thinking of Zheng Yuan and Chen Zi's collusion, she was so outraged that she no longer knew how to dislike them.

But knowing that it was Zheng Yuan and Chen Zi who cooperated, Su Ruo also breathed a sigh of relief, at least her child would not be harmed, the child belongs to the Zheng family, how could they be willing to do so!

There was a knock on the door, Su Ruo thought it was the child who came back, so she hurried to open the door, when she saw that the person standing outside the door was Xiang Yang, Su Ruo frowned involuntarily.

"Can you come in and sit down? I want to talk to you about something." There was a faint smile on Xiang Yang's face.

Although Su Ruo didn't want to welcome him, seeing Xiang Yang walk in by himself, she couldn't help it.

"What's the matter with you?" For Su Ruo, Xiang Yang made her feel pressured, and she didn't like his breath, maybe it was because of the killer.

"Su Ruo, you should marry Ah Yuan." Xiang Yang said straight to the point.

"I already have a husband." After Su Ruo finished speaking, she was stunned.

The corner of Xiang Yang's mouth curled up, and he shook his head: "Don't forget, you have already divorced Xiao Tang."

Su Ruo pursed her lips and said nothing, yes, she divorced Xiao Tang, but they forced them to do so. If she and Xiao Tang were in love, they could still get married sooner or later.

"I won't marry him." Su Ruo said seriously, if you don't love him, you don't love him, not to mention she still hates him so much now.

"Why can't you see A Yuan's kindness? A Yuan treats you like this, but you are so unfeeling." Hearing this, Xiang Yang became a little angry.

"Maybe he is very kind to me, but his kindness is not what I want, this kind of forced love will make anyone feel uncomfortable, Xiangyang, needless to say, I will definitely not get together with Zheng Yuan. "

(End of this chapter)

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