Remarry my wife

Chapter 467 Because I Don’t Love You

Chapter 467 Because I Don’t Love You (2)

"Then you haven't considered children? Are you going to let your children not even have a father? Su Ruo, you are so selfish. "

"Am I selfish? I don't love someone and don't want to marry him. Is it also selfish? Xiangyang, I know you and Zheng Yuan are very good, but please stand in my position and think about it. If it's okay, Please go out, I want to rest!" Su Ruo gave the order to evict the guest, and when she saw Xiang Yang, she knew that he was here as a lobbyist, which annoyed her.

"Su Ruo, take a look at this." Xiang Yang took out a newspaper from his pocket and gave it to Su Ruo, then glanced at her, turned and left.

Looking at the newspaper forced in her hand, and at the closed door, Su Ruo frowned tightly, and she already guessed something in her heart.

Holding the newspaper and sitting on the bed, she struggled for a while before opening the newspaper.

Headline news: The richest man in the Xiao family divorced, married his sister, incest or love?
Below is a huge photo, there are many people in it, Xiao Tang, Chen Zi, even the photos of her and the baby after giving birth were published in the newspaper, which made people angry.

Su Ruo didn't even read the content and closed the newspaper directly. She had already guessed the result. Chen Zi and Zheng Yuan really went too far, forcing Xiao Tang to such a point.

Thinking of Xiao Tang wearing a dress and holding Chen Zi's hand in a wedding dress, even though all this is fake, Su Ruo still feels very uncomfortable, especially when Chen Zi is pregnant with Xiao Tang's child, thinking of the relationship between the two of them. After a skin-to-skin kiss, she felt a little nauseous. Although Xiao Tang forced it, she always had lumps in her heart.

Su Ruo can already feel what happened between her and Zheng Yuan in the hotel everywhere, Xiao Tang's feeling at that time should be the same as her current mood!

After being in a trance on the bed for a long time, the door was knocked again, Su Ruo couldn't recover.

When she heard the cry of the child, Su Ruo woke up quickly, got out of bed, and hurried to open the door.

Standing outside was Zheng Yuan holding the child. He was coaxing the child. Seeing Su Ruo opened the door, he looked at Su Ruo with embarrassment.

"I don't know if the child is hungry or not. He has been crying. Look at it." Zheng Yuan carefully handed the child to Su Ruo.

(End of this chapter)

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