Remarry my wife

Chapter 468 Because I Don’t Love You

Chapter 468 Because I Don’t Love You (3)

Carrying her son back, Su Ruo hurried back to the bed, seeing that the baby was sucking, most likely he was hungry.

"I want to breastfeed, can you avoid it for a while?" Seeing Zheng Yuan standing beside her, Su Ruo asked with a frown.

"Okay, I'll go to see the scenery outside the window. Tell me after you've fed." Zheng Yuan didn't wait for Su Ruo to speak, he walked to the window and looked out of the window with his hands behind his back.

Seeing that Zheng Yuan just avoided it like this, Su Ruo was a little unhappy, seeing the child crying so pitifully, she had no choice but to lift up her clothes and nurse.

When the child sees the mother breastfeeding, he quickly steps forward to suck.

"Little boy..." Seeing the child sucking so desperately, Su Ruo stretched out her hand to pat the child's head in distress.

After a while, the little baby burped contentedly and let go.

"Be good, baby, go to sleep." Seeing that the child started to yawn after drinking the milk, Su Ruo hurriedly coaxed her.

The little baby put his thumb back into his mouth, and fell asleep while sucking. Seeing that the child fell asleep so easily, Su Ruo showed a smile on his face, he really deserved to be a little pig.

When Zheng Yuan turned his face away, he saw the radiance of maternal love on Su Ruo's face, which made people feel holy.

"Are you asleep?" Zheng Yuan asked in a low voice.

Su Ruo nodded.

"I'll have the baby carried to the nursery to sleep."

"No, let him take a nap with me." Su Ruo didn't want to leave the child at all now, and she felt uneasy if he was still by his side.

Seeing that Su Ruo kept focusing on the child, Zheng Yuan's blue eyes were full of sadness, he knew that she would never see himself in her eyes, he didn't know whether to blame himself for being too affectionate or Su Ruo for being too unfeeling.

"I'm sorry..." After a long time, Zheng Yuan said apologetically.

Su Ruo, who had been silent all this time, heard it, she raised her head and frowned at Zheng Yuan, seeing the sadness and apology on his face, the expression on her face was very complicated.

"If you think you're sorry for me, let me go with the child. Even if Xiao Tang marries someone else, I won't be with you." Su Ruo opened her mouth.

"Why?" Zheng Yuan's eyes were red.

"Because I don't love you!" Su Ruo said word by word.

The room returned to deathly silence...

PS: This broken system, it took me more than an hour to post these three chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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