Remarry my wife

Chapter 480: Here Comes the Love Chapter

Chapter 480 Love Is Back (4)

Su Ruo holds the child in her arms and keeps looking at Xiao Tang, the emotion in her eyes can only be understood by the two of them.

"Get out of here, get out immediately!" Xiang Yang on the side had already drawn out his gun angrily and fired into the sky. How could someone who is so irrelevant to these private matters have the right to listen.

Gunshots rang out, and the venue became even more chaotic.

A few minutes later, there were only a few protagonists left in the originally bustling venue, and the venue was in a mess.

"Let's explain everything clearly today!" Xiao Tang said, his voice was cold. As soon as he finished speaking, a group of bodyguards rushed to the venue and surrounded them. He had already thought about it. If the family dares to come, he will not let them leave!

"Brother, is what he said true? Is this child mine?" The most collapsed person inside is definitely Zheng Yuan. He doesn't know anything. He is the only one hiding in the valley, and the child belongs to him. His hope, now that he is like this, he can no longer express his feeling.

Zheng Yuan stood there, not knowing what to say.

"If you want to know, go directly to the hospital for examination." Ahao mocked.

Bang——As soon as Ah Hao finished speaking, a gunshot sounded, and everyone in the venue exclaimed.

Ah Hao had already been shot in the chest, and the gun in Xiang Yang's hand was steaming.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Xuan became angry, and the bodyguards quickly pulled out their guns and pointed at Xiang Yang.

"I will not let anyone who dares to hurt Ah Yuan, this person is talking nonsense, damn it!" Xiang Yang's eyes were cold, he saw the despair on Zheng Yuan's face, and he lost his mind.

"Whether I'm talking nonsense, you know best in your heart!" Ah Hao knelt on the ground covering his wound, and said with difficulty, blood slipped from the corner of his mouth.

When Xiang Yang heard this, he was desperately ready to shoot. The group of bodyguards had already pre-empted and hit his hand holding the gun. The gun fell from his hand. Xiang Yang's hand was covered in blood, but his brow No wrinkle.

"There is a very simple way. In ancient times, there was a method of recognizing relatives by dripping blood. You all cut your fingers and take blood to see if it can be fused with the child's blood." Su Ruo on the side opened her mouth. She really didn't expect that she could hear it. Such good news, the child is actually Xiao Tang's, it's Xiao En's!

(End of this chapter)

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