Remarry my wife

Chapter 481: Here Comes the Love Chapter

Chapter 481 Love Is Back (5)

"That method is unscientific..." Zheng Yuan said.

"Go get the bowl." Zheng Yuan interrupted Zheng Yuan's words, now the only way to quickly know who the child really is.

Xiao Tang motioned to the subordinate at the side, and the subordinate quickly went to get it.

Xiang Yang was about to stop it, but was stopped by Zheng Yuan.

The bowl arrived quickly, filled with clear water.

Su Ruo walked to the side with the child in her arms, took a small knife from Xiao Tang's hand, and looked at the well-behaved son in her arms: "Little boy, just cut it down, don't cry."

Su Ruo restrained herself, and quickly cut the child's finger. The child cried out in pain, and the blood dripped into the bowl.

After it was done, Su Ruo hurried to help the child treat the wound and coax the child.

"I'll come first." Zheng Yuan took the knife, then cut his finger forcefully, blood dripped into the bowl, and everyone's hearts were suspended.

Seconds passed, and the blood still hadn't fused.

Xiao Tang's face was full of joy, while Zheng Yuan's face was dead.

Xiao Tang quickly took the knife and cut his finger, the blood slowly fused.

"Look, look, the child is mine..." Xiao Tang shouted with excitement on his face.

Xiao Tang and Su Ruo were overjoyed, while the faces of the Zheng family were pale.

"This method won't work, let's do another paternity test." Zheng Yuan said.

"You're not fertile, so what's the point of identification!" Ahao, who was bandaging his wound, taunted.

Zheng Yuan was about to reprimand him, but Zheng Yuan grabbed him.

"Brother, don't lie to me anymore, tell me the truth!" Zheng Yuan's face was bloodless, he had never been so desperate, it turned out that all this was false, why did you lie to him, why did you lie to him?Let him fall from heaven to hell, this feeling is worse than death.

"I..." Zheng Yuan opened his mouth but couldn't speak. He really didn't expect the matter to develop to such a point. If possible, he really hoped that it would be better not to help Zheng Yuan hide the child. Now The damage just gets worse.

"I understand." Zheng Yuan smiled, his face pale as paper.

His hand was bleeding because of the knife, but he let it flow, and he walked towards Su Ruo.

(End of this chapter)

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