Remarry my wife

Chapter 489 Zheng Yuan's Child

Chapter 489 Zheng Yuan's Child (4)

When he was about to take the last step, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Mummy, Daddy..." The child's clear and clear voice rang out.

When Su Ruo heard this, she quickly pushed Xiao Tang, Xiao Tang couldn't help swearing, these two little things came at the right time, and they stopped abruptly at a critical moment, really XXX upset!

"Daddy, Mommy, the sun is shining..." the two children shouted and laughed.

"Get up soon." Seeing that Xiao Tang refused to get up, Su Ruo pushed him hard.

Xiao Tang snorted softly, climbed off Su Ruo's body, then sat up with a displeased expression on his face.

"Mommy, Mommy..." the child kept shouting
"Little boy, mommy and daddy are up, wait a minute." Su Ruo replied, and then quickly took the pajamas and put them on. Seeing that Xiao Tang was still naked, she quickly helped him put them on with the pajamas, and then After kissing him, she got out of bed and opened the door.

"Mummy, Daddy..." As soon as the door opened, the two children quickly rushed in and rushed to the bed.

Seeing the two children dressed neatly, Su Ruo shook her head helplessly, and smiled as she watched the two of them rush to the bed and jump onto Xiao Tang's body.

The youngest daughter likes to stay by Xiao Tang's side very much. Xiao Guai is jumping up and down on the bed now, as if she will not stop until the bed is broken, and Xiao Qiao wants to be hugged by Xiao Tang.

"Daddy, am I pretty?" The little girl asked in a childish voice, and she moved her little mouth to kiss her father.

"Little princess, what you are wearing today is so beautiful!" Seeing Xiao Qiao wearing a white princess dress, looking as pretty as a little princess, Xiao Tang kissed her.

"I'm Daddy's Mommy's little princess." The little girl giggled, and the two dimples on the corners of her mouth were so sweet that they were so cute.

"Then I'm the little prince!" Xiao Guai took the words, still bouncing up and down, Xiao Yichen, who was set off by a small white suit, was extremely handsome. Well there is no way.

"Yes, little prince, don't jump, the bed is about to collapse." Su Ruo walked over with a smile, and wanted to hug the little boy. Boys are naughty, if they can be as cute and cute as the little girl, that would be great.

(End of this chapter)

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