Remarry my wife

Chapter 490 Zheng Yuan's Child

Chapter 490 Zheng Yuan's Child (5)

"It's okay, then Daddy and Mommy will have more time to spend with me and my sister." Xiaoguai jumped even harder.

When Su Ruo heard this, her face blushed slightly, Xiao Tang stretched out her hand, and pulled Xiao Guai down.

"Daddy, I want to continue dancing!" Xiaoguai struggled while being hugged by Xiao Tang.

"Have you ever seen a little prince who is always jumping on the bed? To be a little prince, you have to look like a little prince!" Xiao Tang said in a deep voice.

"That's good, Daddy go buy me a little white horse, okay? Then I'll be Prince Charming." Xiaoguai blinked her eyes wide.

Both Su Ruo and Xiao Tang laughed, you naughty bastards!
"Okay, little princess and little prince, you stay here obediently, mommy and daddy pack up and leave." Su Ruo kissed her daughter and son, and then dragged Xiao Tong into the bathroom...

In the car.

"Wait a minute, both of you have to perform well!" Su Ruo was a little nervous, this piano competition was the first time for the two children to participate in the biggest competition, and she taught the children's piano, So it's normal for her teacher to worry.

"Mommy, I got it." Xiaoqiao nodded, and Xiaoguai was already impatient.

"You little boy, I haven't seen you practice. Don't be ashamed later." Seeing her son so impatient, Su Ruo, like all mothers, began to mutter.

"Mommy, have you reached menopause too?" Xiaoguai shook his head helplessly.

"What are you talking about!" Xiao Tang looked at his son dissatisfied, and dared to call his own wife, he should be scolded!
"Daddy, Mommy said you're in menopause, and Mommy's symptoms are the same as yours, is it also here?" Xiaoguai wondered.

"What? I haven't reached menopause yet!" Xiao Tang frowned when he heard this. He looked at his wife and said that he had reached menopause, and he was still far from 40 years old!

Su Yue laughed a few times, Xiao Tang's biggest taboo now is not to say that he is old, he is more afraid of getting old than women!
Seeing that he had successfully ignited the fire, Xiaoguai laughed out loud.

"Little bastard, laugh again, don't want to be Prince Charming in the future!" Xiao Tang stared.

(End of this chapter)

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