Remarry my wife

Chapter 49 Replacing Su Ruo's Position

Chapter 49 Replacing Su Ruo's Position (5)

"Master, how can you make Jiaojiao cry?" Suxue accused her, her precious daughter.

"You still have the nerve to talk about me, how do you care about your daughter, how can Jiaojiao be happy in the future for a person like Xiao Tang, you should understand after seeing Su Ruo's fate!" Su Chen said calmly.

"That girl Su Ruo doesn't know how to be a human being, but Jiaojiao is different. Jiaojiao is so beautiful and cute, how can there be a man who doesn't like it?" Suxue stood by her daughter. She also liked Mr. Xiao's family very much. That girl Su Ruo snatched it away, and Qiu Hong showed off in front of her every day, not to mention how popular she is.

"You mother and daughter have the same virtues. I really don't bother to talk about you. If I'm not sure, I won't be sure. You take good care of your daughter. If something goes wrong, I'm the only one who will ask you!" Su Chen frowned tightly, saying that women have long hair and sense Short, exactly!

"I went after my daughter." Seeing Su Chen's attitude, Suxue felt uncomfortable, turned around and chased after her daughter...

Su Jiao ran back to her room, lying on the bed and crying bitterly.

Su Xue came in, seeing her daughter crying so sad, she hated Su Ruo and her daughter even more in her heart.

"Jiaojiao, don't cry, let your father find you a better one." Suxue comforted while sitting.

"I don't want... I want Xiao Tang, I want him, I don't want anyone but..." Su Jiao cried sadly.

Suxue shook her head helplessly, thinking of the master's words, she also felt aggrieved: "Master Xiao is really good, and your father is really eccentric, if he promised it to Su Ruo, that girl would not give it to you, thinking about it makes me angry!"

Hearing her mother and herself exhale from the same nostril, Su Jiao stopped crying, and looked at her mother with teary eyes: "Mom, what do you think I should do?"

"Hey, don't cry. If you really like it, work hard on your own. Your father and mother will explain it to you." Suxue pampered her daughter's head, not wanting her daughter to be wronged in the slightest.

"Mom, you are so kind!" Hearing what her mother said, Su Jiao reached out and hugged her mother.

Suxue patted her daughter on the back to comfort her, who else would she help if she didn't help her daughter!
(End of this chapter)

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