Remarry my wife

Chapter 50 Replacing Su Ruo's Position

Chapter 50 Replacing Su Ruo's Position (6)

The next morning, Su Ruo got up very early, her feet hurting from stepping on the ground, the sky outside was dark, it seemed that there would be heavy rain today.

Su Ruo thought of her sisters, what happened yesterday happened too hastily, she hadn't had time to tell them, she didn't know what to worry about.

He quickly found the phone and called Chen Xiaoyan. The phone rang for a second before being picked up. It was the servant standing by the phone. When he heard Su Ruo's voice, he hurriedly called Su Ruo and so on. , and then quickly ran to Chen Xiaoyan's room to wake her up to answer the phone.

Chen Xiaoyan and the others have been running around for more than a day about Su Ruo's affairs. Last night, they were so tired that they asked the maid to stay by the phone. If they received a call from Su Ruo, they would notify her immediately.

"Xiaoyan!" Su Ruo called out.

"Ruoruo, are you okay? Are you at Xiao's house now? Did Xiao Tang treat you well?" Chen Xiaoyan's anxious and sleepy voice came from the phone.

Hearing Chen Xiaoyan's concerned tone, Su Ruo's eyes were sour. Fortunately, she still has a few good sisters in this world, so she is not alone. It's great to have them!

"Ruoruo, hurry up and talk. Is there something wrong? I'm so anxious!" Seeing that Su Ruo didn't make a sound, Chen Xiaoyan was in a hurry. They were so worried that Su Ruo was taken away that night.

"I'm fine..." Su Ruo's voice was choked with sobs, she was just too touched, especially in the current situation, with such good sisters caring for her like this, she was really touched.

"Why are you crying for nothing?" Hearing the choked up voice, Chen Xiaoyan became even more anxious.

"I'm just moved, Xiaoyan has sisters like you, I've never lived in vain in my life, hehe..." Su Ruo wiped away the tears she shed, and said to the phone.

"Fool, we are good sisters! Then where are you now? Can I go to see you?"

"I'm at Su's house, so I can't meet you for the time being, but I'm really fine, you don't have to worry, I'll visit you in a few days!" Afraid that Chen Xiaoyan and the others might be worried, Su Ruo just briefly talked about yesterday's situation, Naturally, he also talked about his wronged things.

The two chatted on the phone for a long time, and only hung up when Su Ruo's mother came in.

(End of this chapter)

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