Remarry my wife

Chapter 497 Childhood Sweetheart

Chapter 497 Childhood Sweetheart (2)

"Don't cause trouble if you can. Just treat Xiaoguai as your brother and that girl as your sister, you know?" Zheng Yuan urged again, he always regarded Xiaoguai as his son in his heart.

"Got it, Daddy." Although Zheng Yi didn't understand why, he listened to Zheng Yuan very much, and he would do as he said.

"Okay, let's go and receive the award!" Seeing Zheng Yuan's hard-headedness, Xiang Yang was too lazy to talk, people are kind and bullied, don't you understand?

Zheng Yi went to receive the award. Zheng Yuan stood under the stage, watching his son holding the trophy, he was very moved, his son and his pride...

Xiao's, dinner time.

"My dears, how was your day at school today?" After eating, Xiao Tong was used to communicating with the children.

"It's terrible." Xiaoguai said dissatisfied.

"What's wrong?" Su Ruo was puzzled.

"That annoying ghost came to our class today." Xiaoguai snorted.

"Who is the annoying ghost?" Su Ruo frowned.

"It's the one who snatched my sister's championship."

Su Ruo and Zheng Yuan looked at each other, and Zheng Yuan's child actually entered the class of the two children. Because of a care, Xiao Tang arranged his son and daughter in the same class.

"He's still at the same table as his sister." Xiao Guai looked displeased. After Zheng Yi came, he was so attractive that many girls went around him. The feeling of walking.

"Ah! Xiaoqiao, how does that elder brother treat you?" Su Ruo hurriedly asked.

"Very good, he also gave me a lot of comic books to read." Xiao Qiao said.

"Cut, I bought you with a few comic books." Seeing what my sister said, Xiao Guai became even more upset.

"That's good. Get along well with your classmates, little boy. There are winners and losers in the competition. You have to win, and you have to lose. Don't trouble that kid in the future, you know?" Su Ruo asked.

"Got it, Mommy." Xiaoguai immediately agreed, because he knew that if he didn't agree, his mommy had a lot of reasons to tell him that it was very annoying.

After talking about the school, Xiao Tang asked the child to go back to the room to rest first, and he and Su Ruo discussed the matter.

(End of this chapter)

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