Remarry my wife

Chapter 498 Childhood Sweetheart

Chapter 498 Childhood Sweetheart (3)

"Honey, what's the matter?" Seeing Xiao Tang frowning, Su Ruo asked.

"Why did you say Zheng Yuan came back suddenly?" Xiao Tang has been thinking about this question since he came back from the game. Although he was relieved, why is there still a bit of shadow in his heart.

"Let his son chase our daughter?" Su Ruo joked. They didn't expect that Su Ruo's joke would come true.

"What's going on in your little head, but it doesn't matter, as long as it's not chasing you." Xiao Tang shook his head with a smile.

"Husband, if Zheng Yuan wants to continue chasing me, he won't wait until five years later, don't think too much." Su Ruo got up, walked to Xiao Tang's side, and hugged his neck from behind.

Xiao Tang turned his head and asked for a kiss, Su Ruo lowered her head and kissed him.

Who can break up their current relationship?Thinking of this, Xiao Tang also felt relieved!
Time passed in such a hurry, happy and happy.

One evening, Su Ruo received a call from Zheng Yuan.

"Su Ruo." Zheng Yuan softly called Su Ruo's name over there.

"Hello, what's the matter?" Su Ruo was only slightly taken aback, she returned to her thoughts, she was going to treat Zheng Yuan with the most ordinary tone, in fact there was nothing to be embarrassed about, the past is over.

"It's like this. Xiao Yi invited Xiao Guai and Xiao Qiao to Zheng's house for dinner today. I wonder if you agree?" Zheng Yuan tried hard to calm himself down, and the past is over.

When Su Ruo heard this, she was stunned. In fact, she had a lump in her heart. What Zheng Yuan did before left a shadow in her heart.

"Is it possible?" Jin Su Ruo didn't respond, Zheng Yuan asked again.

"Ah, okay, what time is it over, I'll ask the driver to pick up the child." Su Ruo replied hastily.

"I'll just ask the driver to send it back." Zheng Yuan paused after finishing speaking, and continued: "Su Ruo, please don't be nervous, I really don't come back for those things from the past, I just want to bring my little memory back My brother's home, family reunion, Xiao Yi just came back from abroad and has no friends, I just hope Xiao Yi can make friends with Xiaoguai Xiaoqiao, and if you don't mind, I will help Xiaoqiao guide the piano. "

(End of this chapter)

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