Remarry my wife

Chapter 499 Childhood Sweetheart

Chapter 499 Childhood Sweetheart (4)

Listening to Zheng Yuan's sincere words, what else can Su Ruo say, she is not a narrow-minded person: "I understand, Xiaoguai is very naughty, if there is something wrong later, I hope you can forgive me, as for Xiaoqiao, who is very well-behaved , you can help guide the piano, I am very grateful."

"En, okay." Zheng Yuan didn't say anything, and put up the phone. He didn't like to talk to Su Ruo so politely, it made his heart ache. Some people are suitable to forget. Forget it, more contact will only hurt more.

After hanging up the phone, Su Ruo became worried, and after much deliberation, she still called Xiao Tang.

When Xiao Tang heard this, he couldn't continue working, so he went home directly.

"Husband, what do you think should be done?" Su Ruo asked.

"Don't worry, maybe he just simply invited the child to be a guest." Xiao Tang comforted, seeing that Su Ruo was nervous, he was also a little bit, he was really worried that the Zheng family would come to imprison him again, not because they were too nervous , but once, I am worried that there will be a second time.

The two talked for a while, waiting for the time to pass.

Perhaps Zheng Yuan understood the worries of the Xiao family and his wife. The child only stayed at the Zheng family for a while after school, and he asked the driver to bring the child back.

When she saw the two children bouncing and getting out of the car, Su Ruo was so excited.

Zheng Yi also came here with the two children, Su Ruo hurriedly invited Zheng Yi to be a guest at home, Zheng Yi didn't refuse, and was pulled in by Xiao Qiao.

Seeing that the two children got along well with Zheng Yi, Su Ruo and Xiao Tang both heaved a sigh of relief.

Zheng Yi was very well-behaved and polite, Su Ruo let him and the two children go to the room to play alone.

"This kid is not bad, he is very caring." Su Ruo said, just now she saw Zheng Yi carefully helping Xiaoqiao to straighten her bangs.

"Hehe... I think this kid is planning to chase after our family's Xiaoqiao. He has a purpose at first glance. Now I kind of guess what Zheng Yuan wants to do. If he can't marry you, he will let his son marry us. Baby girl, what you think is really beautiful." Xiao Tang laughed.

Su Ruo smiled helplessly, no matter what the purpose is, if it's just a pure love between children, she will not object, Zheng Yi is a good child, suitable to be a child's friend, sir, just wait and see Just change!

(End of this chapter)

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