Remarry my wife

Chapter 505 Love and Hate Edge

Chapter 505 Love and Hate Edge (3)

He just wanted to see Xiao Xiaoyin's painful expression. How could he have had a good life these years? Since she left and his father has also left, the number of times he has laughed in the past three years is counted on the fingers of the hand. He also thought about looking for him again He is a woman, but he finds that he can’t get involved no matter what. Women can solve his physical needs, but they can’t solve his psychological needs. This will only make him more painful. He also devoted himself to his work. Three years is enough for him to become famous. Now few people in R City do not know his name, Zheng Yi. He has expanded the business of the Zheng family.

Sure enough, Zheng Yi's words triggered Xiao Xiaoyin's pain for so many years. She just froze for a while, and then her expression was slightly unnatural. After a while, she returned to normal, and said softly: "It's okay."

Hearing Xiao Xiaoyin's brave "it's okay" and seeing her hurt expression, Zheng Yi was a little annoyed, what the hell was he doing?Now Xiao Xiaoyin has become like this. Why is he still so narrow-minded? He has to wait for her to recover. Although her betrayal made him suffer, he still hopes that she will live a good life. He is such a contradictory person!The distance between love and hate is very small, it depends on how you put your mentality.

Xiao Xiaoyin sat back on the chair next to the piano. She stretched out her slender and fair fingers and placed them on the black and white keys, with a nostalgic expression on her face. After a while, she softly said: "Brother A Yi, I want to hear your Play the piano, can you?"

Hearing Xiao Xiaoyin's familiar "Brother A Yi", Zheng Yi only felt a severe heartache. He hadn't heard this familiar word for more than three years. In the past three years, he could only hear her calling him that in his dreams. Now Hearing it suddenly, he felt pain in his heart.

"The doctor said that my hands can no longer play the piano. It's a pity that what I have been pursuing for more than 20 years is gone, nothing..." Xiao Xiaoyin spoke in a softer voice, and his voice choked up at the end. Who can understand!
Hearing Xiao Xiaoyin's pained voice, Zheng Yi's expression changed. Seeing her caressing the black and white keys over and over again, he wondered if she didn't miss her at all when she left him?After being together for so many years, she left as soon as she said, wouldn't she be reluctant to let go?

PS: Xiao Yichen’s story needs to be written in a new article. This episode will only be written about Xiao Xiaoyin and Zheng Yi. I will write while resting. The speed will not be too fast. You can accumulate a few days and then read it. Such a hot day Sleepy, hope to spend this summer with ease!
(End of this chapter)

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