Remarry my wife

Chapter 506 Just Brother

Chapter 506 Just Brother (1)

"Brother A Yi, is it okay?" Seeing that Zheng Yi hadn't spoken, Xiao Xiaoyin asked again.

Zheng Yi pulled back his thoughts, looked at the woman who turned her head to 'look' at him, he gave a low acknowledgment, and then walked over.

Xiao Xiaoyin stood up and made room for Zheng Yi.

Zheng Yi sat in front of the piano, and put his slender hands on the black and white keys. He hadn't touched this thing for three years, and even the best pianist would be rusty.

"I want to listen to "Dream Wedding"." Xiao Xiaoyin said softly.

Hearing the song "Dream Wedding", Zheng Yi was slightly taken aback, then said nothing, put his fingers on the black and white keys, tried a few notes, and then played while recalling.

Xiao Xiaoyin leaned against the piano, listening to the beautiful sound of the piano quietly, her face was full of intoxication, three years, she missed brother Ah Yi's piano sound for three years.

Zheng Yi only played halfway and then stopped, looking at the piano in a trance.

"Why don't you play it anymore?" Xiao Xiaoyin came back to her senses, and she asked in confusion.

"It's been too long since I played, my hands are raw." Zheng Yi said softly.

"Brother A Yi, I really want to hold a concert with you, listen to you play the piano every day, and live like this for the rest of my life, I..."

"Then why did you leave me?" Hearing Xiao Xiaoyin's soft voice, is it too late to say those words, since you want to be with him, why did you leave him.

Hearing Zheng Yi's questioning, Xiao Xiaoyin froze for a moment, tightly pursed his mouth and did not speak again.

"Tell me, why did you leave me? Is Ouyang Yan better than me?" Zheng Yi finally said what he wanted to say. He had kept this sentence in his heart for more than three years. He didn't rush to ask Xiao Xiaoyin abroad for his face, so he doesn't have to worry about it until now.

"Brother A Yi..." Hearing Zheng Yi's excited voice, Xiao Xiaoyin frowned.

"Xiao Qiao, tell me, how have I treated you badly for so many years? I don't love you enough or love you enough. We have been together since we were 5 years old and now, do you have no feelings at all?" Zheng Yi was really entangled. Got it, he really didn't get it.

"I'm sorry, I..." Xiao Xiaoyin's voice began to choke, she thought she was an idiot.

(End of this chapter)

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