Remarry my wife

Chapter 507 Just Brother

Chapter 507 Just Brother (2)

"I'm sorry, I..." Xiao Xiaoyin's voice began to choke, she thought she was an idiot.

"Don't say I'm sorry, tell me why?" Zheng Yi got up, he held Xiao Xiaoyin's shoulder tightly and shook
"I have always regarded you as my brother, I..."

"In your heart, am I just a big brother?" Zheng Yi was dumbfounded when she heard that, it turned out that she only regarded him as a big brother, but he has been loving her for so many years.

"I... don't you think of me as your younger sister?" Xiao Xiaoyin's brows became tighter and tighter. She is 23 years old and has been with Zheng Yi and her brother since she was 5 years old. She has lived with Zheng Yi and her brother for 15 years. She has always regarded Zheng Yi as the same as Xiao Yichen, both of whom are her favorite and dearest brothers. When she was 20 years old, she saw Ouyang Yan, and her heart beat for the first time. When Uncle was sick, Ouyang Yan asked her to go abroad with him. She always thought that Uncle Zheng’s illness was not serious, and she was blinded by love at that time, so she did not agree to Zheng Yi’s request, and went abroad for further studies with Ouyang Yan No, she never expected that in only 3 years, the relationship between her and Ouyang Yan was on the verge of being broken. Such an excellent person as Ouyang Yan was addicted to drugs. That day Ouyang Yan drove her to school to commit drug addiction. That's why there was such a big car accident, and she couldn't stay any longer. Ouyang Yan would beat her when he was addicted to drugs. She persuaded him to quit drugs many times, but every time it ended in vain, she had already lost I am confident, and I am also afraid of the way he beats me when he is sick.

"Hehe...I'm so stupid, so you have always treated me as an older brother, and I...forget it, I'm being affectionate." No wonder Xiao Xiaoyin is so open to him now, she doesn't care at all. Loving himself and betrayal are all his own wishful thinking. He is so stupid, just a fool.

"Brother Ah Yi..." Hearing Zheng Yi's self-deprecating voice, Xiao Xiaoyin panicked a little.

"Don't call me brother, I'm not your brother, Xiao Yichen is your brother!" Now hearing the word brother, he felt ironic.

"Brother Ah Yi...don't be like this..." Xiao Xiaoyin is most afraid of Zheng Yi getting angry, every time he gets angry, he will stay away from her for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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