Remarry my wife

Chapter 509 Strong Possession

Chapter 509 Strong Possession (2)

"Don't move, I'll take you to take a shower." Zheng Yi said in a hoarse voice, hoping to help her clean up her body before leaving so that she can sleep well.

"Don't..." Xiao Xiaoyin struggled.

"Hey, don't move, I'll just help you take a shower and then leave." Zheng Yi said in a low voice.

"I don't want it. If you don't leave, I will call someone."

"Come on, anyway, I want to be responsible to you, let everyone know that you give me your body, so I can be responsible." Zheng Yi said with a low smile.

When Xiao Xiaoyin heard it, he became angry, what kind of logic is this!
While the two were talking, Zheng Yi had already carried Xiao Xiaoyin into the bathroom.

Considerately putting her next to the bathtub, he said softly: "Don't move, the wound on your body can't touch the water, it will become inflamed, I'll wipe it for you."

"Zheng Yi, I don't need your kindness, you go away, I don't want to see you again, I have always regarded you as my brother, but you have a human face, I hate you, I..." Xiao Xiaoyin cursed If she couldn't go on, crying replaced her following words, she felt humiliated and hated now, she really wanted to call someone, but she really couldn't afford to let others see her now.

"If you want to hate you, just hate you. I've never treated you as my younger sister. I'll make you fall in love with me." Hearing Xiao Xiaoyin's cursing, Zheng Yi wasn't angry at all, and his expression didn't change at all. As if making an oath, Xiao Xiaoyin, he is going to decide on this woman. The previous method of pursuing her was not right, so he will change his method. He will never let her have the illusion of treating him as an older brother again. He wants to possess her forcefully. She has everything about her!
"I will never fall in love with someone like you, I..."

"Don't say it too early, Yichen is very busy recently, let me take care of you!" Zheng Yi said.

"What do you mean?" Xiao Xiaoyin was dumbfounded.

"I said I'll take care of you first. Your brother has been in a lot of trouble recently about the company and your future sister-in-law. He doesn't have time to take care of you. Then let me take care of you. I think your brother will be very happy." Zheng Yi He said word by word, Xiao Yichen did not tell his parents who were recovering from illness abroad about Xiao Xiaoyin's accident. Su Ruo's illness was caused by Xiao Yichen's poor confinement at that time, and now he is not in good health.
(End of this chapter)

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