Remarry my wife

Chapter 510 Strong Possession

Chapter 510 Strong Possession (3)

Xiao Tang had already ignored the affairs of the Xiao family and took his beloved wife abroad to recuperate from illness. Xiao Yichen would never tell his parents about such things that worried his parents, lest his mother would be sad and worried again.

"I don't need it, get out of here..." Xiao Xiaoyin yelled loudly, she wouldn't let Zheng Yi take care of herself!
"I won't get out, unless I want to get out." Zheng Yi's mouth curled up with a smirk.


"Xiao Qiao, what Zheng Yi wants to do, no one can stop it. I gave you a choice in the past, but unfortunately you chose to escape from my side. This time I will not let you escape so easily." Zheng Yi held Holding Xiao Xiaoyin's hand, he said that he seldom acted so domineering, it was only because he knew how to hide.

For love, he has a strong possessive desire in his bones.

"You are no longer the old brother Ah Yi..." Xiao Xiaoyin was stunned. She had never seen such a domineering Zheng Yi. In her impression, he was always so gentle and loving her. She wanted Why would he do everything to satisfy her, never attack her, would accompany her when he was sad, and would laugh with her when he was happy, but now he is so strange and so scary!

"Xiaoqiao, I am not your elder brother in the first place. If you misunderstood me in the past, I will let you see everything clearly today. I love you and I want to marry you. Three years is enough for me to firmly believe in this idea. I I thought I could forget you, but seeing you again, I want you so strongly, so this time I will never let go, even if you hate me or scold me, I want you to stay with me By my side." Zheng Yi was very tough when he spoke.

Xiao Xiaoyin's disgust towards Zheng Yi deepened in her heart. She didn't want this kind of forced love. When she felt something touching her body, she quickly hugged her body and moved it back. In the bathtub, if Zheng Yi hadn't caught her with sharp eyes and hands, she would have fallen down.

"Don't move, let me be your eyes now!" Zheng Yi shook his head helplessly.

"Zheng Yi, can you stop being disgusting, you make me feel very disgusted like this!" Xiao Xiaoyin roared angrily, she couldn't bear the current situation any longer.

(End of this chapter)

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