Remarry my wife

Chapter 522 Perseverance

Chapter 522 Perseverance (1)

"I just want to eat this meal well, and I won't bother you anymore, so I'll leave immediately." Zheng Yi replied.

"Do you think you can make up for the harm you caused me by cooking a meal? You think too beautifully!" Xiao Xiaoyin frowned.

"I didn't ask you to forgive me right away, I just want to do what I like to do, stop talking, eat, I'll leave after eating!" Zheng Yi smiled helplessly.

Xiao Xiaoyin turned his head to look at the food on the table again, and said angrily: "I want to eat Western food, I don't like these things anymore."

Zheng Yi frowned, looked at the food on the table that he had carefully prepared for a long time, then turned his head to look at Xiao Xiaoyin's expression, he saw that he wanted to make things difficult for her, it was just a little girl's temper, he shook his head helplessly: " OK, I'll make you some western food."

Seeing Zheng Yi turn around and walk towards the kitchen, Xiao Xiaoyin turned around and was about to go upstairs, but just before she took a few steps, two bodyguards in black suits came over and stopped her, and said respectfully : "Miss Xiao, Master, please stay here and don't leave!"

"This is my home, I can do whatever I want!" Xiao Xiaoyin was angry and angry when those two men stopped her, and Zheng Yi went too far. Her brother only left for a day, and he just Carelessly brought someone in to threaten her.

"Miss, I'm sorry, please don't make it difficult for us." The two men didn't have the slightest intention to move away.

"Housekeeper..." Xiao Xiaoyin shouted loudly, but unfortunately no one responded to her.

Seeing that the two subordinates were so persistent, she had no choice but to sit back in her seat angrily.

Looking at the food on the table, she has never been an impulsive and irritable person, but today she was very irritated by Zheng Yi's threat. She stretched out her hand to sweep the things off the table, but she still paused when she stretched out her hand Dun took it back, there was no need to make myself so embarrassed!
Sitting back on the chair a little decadently, Xiao Xiaoyin stared at the steaming food on the table in a daze...

The scene from a few years ago flashed through her mind, much like this moment. At that time, she was expecting brother A Yi's food to be served on the table. She didn't know how to cook, because Zheng Yi once said that in the future, he would cook for him. She eats, and as time goes by, she also gets used to enjoying the meals that Zheng Yi personally cooks for her.
(End of this chapter)

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