Remarry my wife

Chapter 523 Perseverance

Chapter 523 Perseverance (2)

At that time, she took everything for granted. She always thought that this was the performance between her brothers and sisters, and she never thought about it, but now she knows that Zheng Yi's feelings for her are different. She is thinking about that time. What would it be like to cook for yourself as a grown man?

Time passed quickly when he was in a trance, when the food on the table was removed and Zheng Yi brought the western food, Xiao Xiaoyin came back to his senses.

"Try the steak I made, Xiao Qiao, this should be the first time you eat it, come and try." Putting the western food in front of Xiao Xiaoyin, Zheng Yi picked up the napkin and wiped the sweat from his forehead, he rarely cooks western food , I don’t know how it was done, when I cut the steak just now, I accidentally cut my hand.

Looking at the steak in front of him, Xiao Xiaoyin frowned. The appearance of this steak naturally couldn't be compared with the ones in the shop, but it smelled delicious. Unexpectedly, Zheng Yi still has this hand!

"Hurry up and eat." Zheng Yi handed over the tablecloth.

Looking at the things Zheng Yi handed over, and seeing the hemostatic stickers on his slender hands, Xiao Xiaoyin frowned again.

"Eat it. Although it's not very pretty, it still tastes good." Zheng Yi withdrew his hand and sat opposite Xiao Xiaoyin.

Xiao Xiaoyin kept frowning, looking at the steak in front of him, but he didn't make a move.

"Are you afraid that I will put something in it?" Seeing Xiao Xiaoyin like this, Zheng Yi felt a little sad.

Xiao Xiaoyin didn't think so at first, but was reminded by Zheng Yi.

"Little Qiao, why don't you know who treats you well? Let me eat first." Zheng Yi took a knife and fork and cut a bite into his own mouth, and then said: "Eat quickly, eat I went to work."

Xiao Xiaoyin frowned for a while, then picked up the knife and fork to start eating, cut a small bite and put it in his mouth, chewed it a few times, the taste was not bad.

"How is it?" Seeing Xiao Xiaoyin take a bite, Zheng Yi hurriedly asked.

Xiao Xiaoyin frowned, looked at Zheng Yi who looked expectant, saw that familiar handsome face, she opened her mouth, and said lightly: "Normal!"

"Hehe...then you can eat something." Zheng Yi breathed a sigh of relief, at least he didn't say it was bad.

The two of them didn't talk anymore, they ate their lunch quietly, Xiao Xiaoyin didn't eat much, after eating, he got up and was about to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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