Remarry my wife

Chapter 524 Perseverance

Chapter 524 Perseverance (3)

The two of them didn't talk anymore, they ate their lunch quietly, Xiao Xiaoyin didn't eat much, after eating, he got up and was about to leave.

"Xiao Qiao..." Zheng Yi stopped her.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Xiaoyin didn't look back.

"It's nothing, I'm leaving, you have a good rest." Zheng Yi said softly.

Xiao Xiaoyin left without saying anything.

Seeing Xiaoqiao leaving, Zheng Yi sighed softly, this is the price of impulsiveness...

Zheng Yi is very trustworthy. After Xiao Xiaoyin finished her meal, she really left. She couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. She wanted to call her elder brother, but thinking about her brother's pursuit of his sister-in-law, she couldn't let him I was distracted, so I dropped the phone call.

At noon the next day, Zheng Yi appeared again, and it was lunch time again.

Looking at the man who came out with the food, Xiao Xiaoyin was really angry: "What do you want? Are you going to serve me like a servant every day?"

Hearing Xiao Xiaoyin's sarcasm, Zheng Yi smiled: "If you want, I have no objection!"

"You!" Xiao Xiaoyin was rendered speechless by Zheng Yi.

"Xiao Qiao, I just want to be nice to you, and it doesn't matter what you think about the rest." Zheng Yi said peacefully.

Seeing Zheng Yi's gentle face, Xiao Xiaoyin couldn't think of him who was like a beast that night.

"Zheng Yi, let me make it clear, I hate you very much, please don't disturb my life in the future!" Xiao Xiaoyin was angry, how could he forgive him.

But the meal was still eaten, and Zheng Yi also left.

Zheng Yi was like this for several days in a row, Xiao Xiaoyin didn't even bother to say that he was too lazy to talk about it, and now she was dreaming about Zheng Yi forcing him to eat, and she couldn't bear it anymore.

This day, after waiting for Zheng Yi to leave, she packed up her things and went out. She was going to stay in a hotel outside for a few days, hoping that she would not see Zheng Yi.

But she never expected that something would happen when she went out, but that's a story.

(End of this chapter)

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