Remarry my wife

Chapter 525 Ending Ending

Chapter 525 Ending Ending (1)

Staying in the hotel, it was rare for Xiao Xiaoyin to have a quiet day, go shopping alone, eat alone, watch movies alone...Although it is a bit lonely, it is not bad.

On the second night of staying in the hotel, someone knocked on her door. She was a little strange and went to open the door. There was a man delivering food standing at the door.

"I didn't order takeaway!" Looking at the delivery person, Xiao Xiaoyin looked puzzled.

The delivery guy looked down at the order, then looked up at the door, and hurriedly apologized: "Miss, I'm sorry, I misread the door number."

Xiao Xiaoyin smiled and said it was all right.

The food delivery man went to the opposite side and rang the doorbell. Xiao Xiaoyin was about to enter the door, but when he was about to close the door, he saw the door of the opposite room open. When he saw the man, she froze.

The man also saw her and smiled handsomely at her.

Xiao Xiaoyin frowned tightly, and when the food delivery person left, she said angrily, "Why are you here?"

Zheng Yi smiled and shrugged: "I'm tired of staying at home, so come out and stay in a hotel."

"Are you following me?" Xiao Xiaoyin was not that stupid, he believed his words.

"It's nothing, it's just that we are destined to live on the opposite side." Zheng Yi said with a smirk, he didn't know what to say about this woman, he knew she was annoyed by him, so he gave her a few days But she was really worried about being outside alone, so he lived directly across from her, and he could be there as soon as anything happened.

Xiao Xiaoyin didn't want to talk to him more, so he snorted softly and went back to the room.

After closing the door, Xiao Xiaoyin leaned against the door and was lost in thought. Zheng Yi's lingering spirit made her really uncomfortable, and the mood that had just recovered after these two days became bad again.

At night, she couldn't sleep in the room, and remembered that there was a nice restaurant not far from the hotel, and she was going to go down for supper alone.

I changed clothes, took my bag, and went out.

As soon as Xiao Xiaoyin left, Zheng Yi followed. He installed a monitor at the door. As soon as Xiao Xiaoyin left, his subordinates would notify him and get news of her as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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