Remarry my wife

Chapter 526 Ending Ending

Chapter 526 Ending Ending (2)

He didn't dare to get too close, and waited for Xiao Xiaoyin to walk for a while before he followed. Seeing her enter a restaurant not far from the hotel, he breathed a sigh of relief, and entered the restaurant without thinking too much.

Xiao Xiaoyin was sitting in the corner, and Zheng Yi saw that she was lost in thought after ordering, so he found a seat and sat down.

She was in a trance for a long time, and he also looked at her for a long time. The time slowly passed by, and the people around him came and went, and they didn't feel anything at all.

Seeing her eating, he was also fascinated by it. Xiao Xiaoyin has been very well-bred since he was a child. Watching her eat is like a performance. It is very interesting, so elegant and beautiful.

The two sat like this for more than an hour. Seeing Xiao Xiaoyin get up, Zheng Yi thought she was going back, and saw her walking inside, so she realized that she was going to the bathroom.

After Xiao Xiaoyin left, Zheng Yi was bored sitting alone, got up and went outside, lit a cigarette, and waited for Xiao Xiaoyin to come out while smoking.

His subordinates called him, and he walked to the side to answer the phone. Before the phone could say a few words, he heard a huge explosion, and a wave of heat rushed out of the restaurant. Zheng Yi's whole body was shaken to the ground by the air wave. The ears became deaf for a while.

Xiao Xiaoyin's smiling face came to mind, Zheng Yi quickly got up from the ground without even thinking about it, and rushed towards the already chaotic restaurant regardless of the blood on her face.

I don’t know what exploded in the restaurant, screams, sirens... there were all kinds of sounds, someone rushed out inside, and the scene was in chaos. Zheng Yi wiped the blood from his face, and the only thing in his mind was that he was still in the restaurant. Xiao Xiaoyin, he couldn't feel the pain in his body at all, and rushed inside like crazy.

The people who rushed out pushed him out again and again, but he rushed in crazily. The fire had covered most of the restaurant, and his eyes were burned red by the raging fire.

The restaurant was extremely chaotic, except for the fire, there were panicked people. Relying on his impressions, Zheng Yi quickly ran to the bathroom. He was so lucky that when the explosion happened, Xiao Xiaoyin went to the bathroom, and he also went out. Otherwise, the corpses on the ground might be him and her.

Xiao Xiaoyin had just finished going to the bathroom and wanted to go out when she heard a popping sound. She was deaf because of her earache. She finally stabilized her body and walked out. The outside was already covered by fire, and it was raging fire as far as the eye could see and screaming crowds.

(End of this chapter)

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