Remarry my wife

Chapter 528 Ending Ending

Chapter 528 Ending Ending (5)

"Yes, you love him, it's just that my sister loves my brother, right?" Chen Xue'er continued, she has seen clearly, Xiao Xiaoyin is too confused about feelings, and doesn't know what is love, what is friendship, what is it? It's family love!
"'s not..." Xiao Xiaoyin broke down in tears, she just felt like her heart had been hollowed out, and she never felt so uncomfortable when she was about to leave Ouyang Yan, she never understood her feelings for Zheng Yi , but she just likes being with him very much and enjoys all kinds of love and pampering from him. She has always taken it for granted. During the three years abroad, she spent a year adapting to life without Zheng Yi. Perhaps Ouyang Yan's short-lived passion for love filled this emptiness, but now she is thinking carefully, why did she take Zheng Yi's love for granted?There are so many people who treat her well, and she has always been the sweet girl of heaven, but she only cares about and enjoys Zheng Yi's doting so much, she has never thought about it carefully, but now that she thinks about it, maybe many years ago she Like Zheng Yi, she fell in love with each other, but she just regarded this relationship as a habit, and never really cared about him, so she just missed him for so many years... Now that he is gone, so what if she understands ?Thinking of this, Xiao Xiaoyin cried so hard that he couldn't bear to live!

"Do you love him?" Seeing Xiao Xiaoyin crying so sadly, Chen Xueer almost couldn't continue.

"I... love him..." Xiao Xiaoyin cried almost desperately.

Xiao Yichen and Chen Xueer looked at each other, and then they both sighed.

"Xiaoqiao..." Suddenly the door was opened, and Zheng Yi's familiar voice appeared.

Xiao Xiaoyin heard it, and quickly looked towards the door. When she saw the man in the wheelchair with a bright smile on his face, she was stunned and didn't know how to react.

"Xiao Qiao, do you really love me?" Zheng Yi had a handsome smile on his face, he had never been so happy today.

Xiao Xiaoyin was stunned, but the tears in the corners of his eyes still flowed quickly.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter whether you really like me or not, as long as I like you is enough." Zheng Yi is not disappointed, as long as everyone is alive now.
(End of this chapter)

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