Remarry my wife

Chapter 529 It's all over

Chapter 529 It's all over
Thinking of the scene in the sea of ​​flames that day, he is still afraid even now. When he was about to rush to the door with Xiao Xiaoyin on his back, he was caught by a chair on the ground and fell to the ground. A chandelier on the ceiling just fell down In order to prevent the chandelier from hitting Xiao Xiaoyin, he used his body to block it. The chandelier happened to hit his feet. Fortunately, no one was killed. The rescue was timely, and his legs were also saved. It's just a few months of cultivation.

"You... you lied to me..." Xiao Xiaoyin regained his senses with anger on his face, isn't Zheng Yi well, where did he go?
"What did you lie to you?" Chen Xueer asked with a smile.

"You said that Zheng Yi is gone." Xiao Xiaoyin shouted.

"That's right, Zheng Yi has been discharged from the hospital, isn't he gone?" Chen Xueer laughed.

Xiao Yichen patted his wife's head helplessly, he still liked to joke like this, but the joke was good, it made his younger sister understand what was in his heart, it seemed that it would be a matter of time before this couple got together.

"You..." Xiao Xiaoyin didn't know what to say after being teased by them.

"Let's go, don't be a light bulb." Chen Xueer said.

"Yes, wife." Xiao Yichen ordered.

"Don't bark, I'm not your wife now." Chen Xueer reminded dissatisfied.

"But you are my wife..."




Seeing his brother and sister-in-law going out arguing, Xiao Xiaoyin looked at the smiling Zheng Yi at the door.

Zheng Yi pushed the wheelchair and leaned against the hospital bed.

Xiao Xiaoyin remembered the tears on his face, and quickly reached out to wipe them away.

"Xiaoqiao, I said that I want to marry you and go home, how could I leave so easily!" Zheng Yi had heard it clearly from outside just now, he was really happy.

Xiao Xiaoyin's eyes were bright after crying, she didn't speak, just looked at Zheng Yi like this, a thousand words were almost speechless.

"Xiao Qiao, I love you, I'm officially pursuing you!" Zheng Yi said as if swearing.


Half a month later, the bomber Ouyang Yan was arrested by the police.

Zheng Yi started his vigorous plan of chasing girls...

Half a year later, unable to withstand Zheng Yi's strong attack, Xiao Xiaoyin and Zheng Yi happily walked into the wedding hall hand in hand, and the lovers finally got married!

A year and a half later, the two's child was born, a mixed-race baby, so cute and messy.

A happy family of three!

[End of episode]

Postscript: The new story of Xiao Yichen will be serialized on September 9st, please continue to pay attention!thanks for reading!

(End of this chapter)

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