Remarry my wife

Chapter 54 Replacing Su Ruo's Position

Chapter 54 Replacing Su Ruo's Position (10)

Su Jiao was fascinated by Xiao Tang's handsome smile, and the desire to want Xiao Tang became stronger in her heart.

"Miss Su, do you have anything else to do? If it's okay, I'll ask the secretary to send you down. I still have a lot of work to do." Seeing Su Jiao looking at him obsessively, Xiao Tang felt more and more disgusted. Capital, but he hates others looking at him so greedily, as if he is a prey!
"Miss Su..."

Xiao Tang yelled several times before Su Jiao came back to her senses, she didn't see her feel ashamed, but said more coquettishly: "President Xiao, can we have dinner together tonight?"

"Evening? It depends on the schedule that the secretary arranged for me." Xiao Tang raised his eyebrows, picked up the notebook on the side and looked at it: "I don't have time to discuss business with clients at night!"

"What about tomorrow night?" Su Jiao continued to ask.

Xiao Tang shook his head.

"Then what about the night after tomorrow?" Su Jiao asked still unwillingly.

Xiao Tang continued to shake his head.

"Then when do you have time?" Su Jiao was a little annoyed, because she was in front of the man she liked, otherwise she would have lost her temper, and she was really mad at her, she took the initiative.

"How about this, when I have time I can ask Miss Su again, do you think it's okay?" Xiao Tang asked lightly, his so-called re-date means never having a date, he knew that this Su Jiao was interested in him at a glance, he He doesn't like women being with him like this, if it wasn't for Su Chen's face, he would have kicked her out a long time ago.

"It seems like this is the only way to go." Su Jiao said dejectedly.

Xiao Tang pressed the internal line and ordered: "Secretary Li, come and send Miss Su out."

When Su Jiao heard that Xiao Tang had issued the order to evict the guests, she became a little anxious: "President Xiao, can't we chat?"

"I said, I still have a lot of work to do." Xiao Tang was a little impatient, and his tone became a little colder.

There was a sound of opening the door, and the professional secretary walked in with a smile on her face, and gestured please to Su Jiao.

It's all like this, what else can Su Jiao say, she just got up angrily and strode away!
After leaving the office, she gritted her teeth. Damn Xiao Tang, if she doesn't show face, she will make him regret it!
Seeing the door being closed again, Xiao Tang pursed his lips lightly, stood up, and looked at the sky outside the floor-to-ceiling window with his hands behind his back, the back view made people feel a little lonely...

(End of this chapter)

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