Remarry my wife

Chapter 55 The Handsome Man Playing the Piano

Chapter 55 The Handsome Man Playing the Piano (1)

"Third Sister, Third Sister..." Su Hao patted Su Ruo's door vigorously with his plump little hands.

Su Ruo was sitting in the room reading a book, when she heard Su Hao's knock on the door, she hurriedly hopped on one leg to the door and opened it. Su Hao and a maid pushing a wheelchair stood at the door.

"Third sister, hug!" Seeing Su Ruo appearing in front of him, Su Hao giggled and quickly went up to hug Su Ruo.

Su Ruo hurriedly supported the door rail, or she would be made unstable by Su Hao's momentum.

"Haohao, what's the matter?" Su Ruo asked while stroking Su Hao's soft hair. It's hard to imagine that this child likes her so much.

"Third Sister, I'll take you out to play. Mommy said that staying in the room all day will make you suffocate. Haohao will take you to see the sea of ​​flowers!" Su Hao raised his head, blinking his big eyes, shiny and clean bright.

"Haohao really has a heart." Su Ruo was a little moved. She wondered if she had been treated unfairly too much. As long as others treated her better, she would be easily moved.

"Xiao Tao, push the wheelchair, the third sister is going to sit!" Su Hao turned his head and told the maid, talking to Su Ruo like a cute child, talking to the servant with the majesty of a young master, young master The shelf is very big.

"Yes, young master." The maid named Xiao Tao hurriedly pushed the wheelchair in front of Su Ruo.

Su Ruo sat on the wheelchair with a smile, this Su Hao was really thoughtful.

The maid pushed Su Ruo, and Su Hao walked beside, talking all the way.

When the wheelchair was pushed into the living room, several ladies were eating melon seeds and chatting. When they saw Su Ruo and the others coming, they became angry, and a woman said, "Oh, Su Ruo, your legs are so inconvenient. Be careful not to leave any sequelae." Oh."

"Yes, if it leaves sequelae, no one will want it." A woman echoed.

"Shut your crow mouths, and if you dare to say that to Third Sister again, I'll see if I won't sew your mouths shut." Su Hao shouted, that young master was full of airs.

When the ladies heard this, their expressions were ugly, but they really shut their mouths. Su Hao is the youngest son Su Chen loves the most, and her mother has a high status. The only one who can fight against her now is the eldest lady. No, those who have no rights can only shut up obediently.

(End of this chapter)

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