Remarry my wife

Chapter 60 A Woman Needs to Be Coaxed

Chapter 60 A Woman Needs to Be Coaxed (3)

"It is said that the Su family and the Zheng family are neighbors." Pan Ziyuan said something.

"I said why do you keep mentioning my wife today?" Xiao Tang raised his eyebrows.

"Have you? It just happened to be mentioned, Ah Tang, why are you so sensitive?"

"That's right, what's the matter with you, Ah Tang? I found that something is wrong with you recently. Could it be that your woman told you about divorce, which made you unhappy?" Sato Miyajiu took over.

Xiao Tang didn't speak anymore. Recently, everyone was spreading the news about his marital problems, which made him a bit annoying. It's true that good things don't go out, and bad things spread far and wide. That damned woman has made him very unhappy recently!If it was to get his attention, she did it!Thinking of the woman who kept saying that she wanted to divorce him, she really had a face, and now it made him lose face!

"Ah, in terms of long-term interests, whether to divorce or not to divorce, women, just coax, it is too easy to coax a woman not to divorce by your means, Ziyuan, are you right? " Sato Miyahisa suggested.

"That is, one thing more is worse than one thing less. Women just need to be coaxed, and a few more sweet words can make them tidy up." Pan Ziyuan nodded.

Xiao Tang didn't respond, but he remembered in his heart that women are his possessions, and he forbids anyone to treat him like this. If that woman made him so upset, then he wouldn't make her feel better. He has plenty of ways to deal with Su like!

Su's side.

Not long after lunch, I saw Su Jiao, who hadn't come home all night, come home in a mess. She spent the night in the nightclub last night and got a room with someone. When she woke up, she found that all her valuables had been stolen. It was a shame for Su Jiao that she had to go home in embarrassment after taking all of them.

In addition, Xiao Tang's refusal was no different from humiliation, Su Jiao put all her hatred on Su Ruo, not to mention how much she hated her now, as soon as she came back, she rushed to Su Ruo's room angrily.

Su Ruo only heard the door being pushed open with a bang, Su Jiao stood at the door angrily and looked at her viciously, Su Jiao, who usually loves to dress up, was extremely embarrassed today.

(End of this chapter)

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