Chapter 61

"What's the matter?" Su Ruo looked at Su Jiao in front of her very dissatisfied. At this moment, she was teaching Su Hao to know the staff.

"Fourth Sister, you have to knock to enter the door. Why don't you understand this?" Su Hao also looked at Su Jiao with an unhappy face. He hated this Fourth Sister. Apart from dressing up like a baby, there was nothing pleasing to the eye.

"Ask me what's the matter, you bitch!" Su Jiao kicked the door shut, and she ran towards Su Ruo with a grim face.

Su Ruo saw that Su Jiao was acting in a bad manner, and was afraid of hurting Su Hao, so she hurriedly protected Su Hao to one side. This action made her dodge a second later, and Su Jiao grabbed her long hair.

"You bitch, it's all about you, it's all about you who caused me to be like this, I want you to die, let you die..." Su Jiao pulled Su Ruo's hair fiercely with one hand, and with the other hand She slapped Su Ruo fiercely in the face.

Su Ruo's hair was in pain from being pulled, she was about to shed tears, so she had no choice but to fight back, to pull each other, the two wrestled, only Su Ruo's vicious cursing and Hao Hao's screams could be heard beside her.

Su Ruo was at a disadvantage, and was slapped by Su Jiao like crazy. The strength was so strong that the corners of her mouth were broken. The scene now reminded her of her childhood, when she was bullied by Su Jiao and other girls every day. , Su Ruo has always been very well-behaved, afraid of her parents' blame, she never dared to fight back, Su Jiao waited for people to beat her and bully her every day, she could only endure silently, because she knew that her resistance would only be worse. She was severely beaten, and no one would protect her. It was always her fault, so she gradually stopped resisting and gradually got used to sarcastic remarks. She didn't live outside until she was in college.

Su Jiao still hasn't changed, she thought she could beat and scold her casually, but she, Su Ruo, is no longer the Su Ruo she was when she was a child, she already knows how to resist.

Su Hao on the side watched his third sister being beaten helplessly by the fourth sister. At such a young age, he already knew how to protect the person he likes. He walked to the side, picked up the floor lamp on the side, and then looked at it. He threw it at Su Jiao.

Su Hao didn't have enough strength to hit Su Jiao hard, but Su Jiao was stunned for a moment when she was hit, Su Ruo seized the opportunity, stretched out her hand and grabbed Su Jiao's hair fiercely, arched One foot kicked Su Jiao fiercely, Su Jiao lost her footing and fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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