Chapter 62

Su Hao didn't have enough strength to hit Su Jiao hard, but Su Jiao was stunned for a moment when she was hit, Su Ruo seized the opportunity, stretched out her hand and grabbed Su Jiao's hair fiercely, arched One foot kicked Su Jiao fiercely, Su Jiao lost her footing and fell to the ground.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Su Ruo rushed forward, sat on Su Jiao's body, stretched out her hand and slapped Su Jiao's face fiercely, and said in a rough voice: "You hit me just now, return it to me." you!"

Then he slapped me a few more times, and continued: "You owed me this when you were young, and I will pay it back to you now. Let me tell you, Su Jiao, I am no longer the Su Ruo who would only let you bully me when I was young. Since you don't treat me like a sister or a human being, I will treat you the same!"

"Hurry up...Hand, it hurts..." After being slapped several times by Su Ruo, Su Jiao couldn't fight back and could only scream.

"You know it hurts, and you know it too, so have you ever thought that I will hurt too? Are you so noble and me so low?" Su Ruo roared, covered by her childhood memories, thinking of those When she was a child, she was a little out of control, her face was in pain, the grievances in her heart burst out, and her eyes became red.

"Bitch, will regret it, ah..." Seeing that Su Ruo is merciless, Su Jiao is also stubborn, she just refuses to beg for mercy, and scolds harshly.

"Regret? Let me tell you that I'm not afraid of how you'll treat me later, I just let you know that I'm not easy to bully!" Su Ruo was very out of control now, she grabbed Su Jiao's hair and threw it to the ground a few times , Unfortunately, the carpet on the floor is too thick to be effective.

"Third Sister..." Seeing that Su Ruo was a little frightened at this time, Su Hao could stand aside and yell softly.

Summoned by Su Hao's voice, Su Ruo slowly stopped the movements of her hands. In fact, she is sometimes a very crazy and extreme person. If there is no Su Hao calling her by the side, she doesn't know what she will do. Something happened, she thought maybe the reality buried her true nature too deeply, even she didn't know what kind of person she was!

If Su Ruo becomes ruthless, he will be no softer than others!This may also be everyone's nature.Su Ruo's character is a rebound, the longer she is depressed, the more she will explode.

(End of this chapter)

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