Chapter 63

To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to oneself. This sentence is absolutely true. After Su Ruo stopped, because she was a little lost in thought, then Su Jiao is not the one to provoke. She suddenly borrowed strength, and she didn't know where it came from With all the strength, Su Ruo pushed her whole body down to the ground, and her forehead just hit the corner of the table, bleeding profusely.

Su Ruo only felt that her eyes went dark, and the pain and darkness overwhelmed her...

Seeing the woman lying in the pool of blood, Su Jiao and Su Hao were dumbfounded. The blood on Su Ruo's forehead flowed rapidly, and she was also unconscious. Her face was as pale as paper, and she looked very scary.

Su Hao was the first to come back to his senses. He cried loudly and ran towards the door. Soon some servants heard the movement and rushed in. Seeing the mess in the room, they were all frightened.

Those who called the police called the police, those who caused wounds caused wounds, the Su family was in chaos...

In the afternoon, Xiao Tang was resting in the lounge next to the president's office. Next to him lay a beautiful foreign woman, and the two of them were taking a nap in their arms.

The cell phone on the side kept ringing, Xiao Tang didn't want to pay attention to it, but the woman next to her was harassed, so she pushed Xiao Tang to answer the phone.

Xiao Tang had no choice but to answer the phone in a daze.

"Ah Tang, Ruoruo is in the hospital for emergency treatment, come quickly..." Qiu Hong's crying voice came from the phone.

When Xiao Tang heard this, he came to his senses, and he frowned: "What happened to Su Ruo?"

"Ruoruo she... Hey, come here quickly, in the operating room of the central hospital." Qiu Hong hesitated to speak, but in the end she didn't say anything, and when she came, she said it slowly, it's really ugly, look aside She really didn't dare to speak to the master who was sitting on the chair so angry that his chest was heaving up and down.

"I see, I'll be here soon." Xiao Tang pressed the phone and got up quickly.

"Honey, where are you going?" the foreign woman asked in awkward Chinese.

"I have something to do, you can go back later by yourself." Xiao Tang finished speaking lightly, then went into the bathroom to take a shower, changed his clothes, and went downstairs to go on the road.

What happened to that woman again?He was so old that he entered the operating room, so he really didn't know what to say!

(End of this chapter)

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