Remarry my wife

Chapter 65 Xiao Tang's Plan

Chapter 65 Xiao Tang's Plan (2)

"It's the other way around, Su Jiao, Ah Tang chose Su Ruo instead of you, do you understand?" Su Chen just felt ashamed of his old face, and his beloved daughter actually said such words. He had already made a fuss once before, and now he has made a fuss like this again, which really pissed him off.

"Yes, I chose Su Ruo. If you want to blame me, you shouldn't blame Su Ruo." Xiao Tang took the words, and it was really ridiculous that the two would fight because of such a thing. This matter was leaked out, and tomorrow's newspaper headlines will be the report that the two sisters of the Su family fought for the eldest son of the Xiao family.

"You guys..." Seeing Xiao Tang also said the same thing, Su Jiao's eyes were red, she was so angry that she couldn't speak, she just felt ashamed, turned around and ran outside, the hatred in her heart was even deeper at this moment, women's psychology is When you identify your rival in love, you will definitely not blame the person you like for your mistakes, but will put all the hatred on the rival in love. Su Jiao's resentment towards Su Ruo at this moment deepens here A few points.

"Stop, stop for me..." Seeing Su Jiao run away like this, Su Chen shouted angrily.

Where does Su Jiao care, she ran out of the ward long ago.

"Master, I'm going to chase after Jiaojiao." Su Jiao's mother has been silent by the side, because she knows that her daughter has made a big mess this time, even if her father is standing by her side again, Su Ruo is already dead after all. How could the Xiao family handle this matter so easily.

Seeing that Su Jiao's mother and daughter had left, Su Chen's anger remained on his face, he got up, walked up to Xiao Tang, and said apologetically, "Ah Tang, I'm really sorry, Miss Su Jiao's temper, I wanted to Let Su Ruo go back to her mother's house to play, but I didn't expect such a thing to happen, I'm really sorry."

Seeing what old man Su said, Xiao Tang also got up quickly: "It's okay, Ruoruo just needs to be fine, and I'll take her home after I'm discharged from the hospital!"

"Well, that's fine too. I'm not feeling well, so I'm going first." Su Chen sighed, and then said to Su Ruo who was resting with his eyes closed: "Su Ruo, Dad is tired, so go back to rest first. Take care of your wounds, and Dad will come to see you again in a few days."

Su Ruo closed her eyes, and when she fell asleep, she didn't care about it, she just wanted to laugh in her heart, this group of people, things have happened, now who is acting for them, she doesn't care about fake kindness.

(End of this chapter)

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