Remarry my wife

Chapter 66 Xiao Tang's Plan

Chapter 66 Xiao Tang's Plan (3)

"Ruoruo, you should be asleep, father-in-law, let me take you back." Seeing that Su Ruo remained motionless, Xiao Tang smoothed things over.

"No, I'll go with them. Take good care of Su Ruo." Su Chen shook his hand, then winked at the Su family beside him, everyone said a few words of concern, and they all went out.

Su Chen and his group all left, leaving only Qiu Hong and Xiao Tang.

"Girl, Mommy will go back and cook some tonic for you, and I'll be right back." Qiu Hong said kindly.

Su Ruo didn't want to pay attention to it, but suddenly remembered something, she slowly opened her eyes, and said to Qiu Hong, "How is Haohao?"

"I'm scared, I'm at Su's house now." Qiu Hong took it.

Su Ruo let out an 'oh' and closed her eyes again.

"Mother-in-law, I'll take you out!" Xiao Tang sat with his superficially good son-in-law.

"No, just take good care of Ruoruo, I can keep up with the old man now." Qiu Hong patted Xiao Tang on the shoulder, then turned and left, closing the door behind her.

The room suddenly became very quiet.

Xiao Tang turned her head to look at the woman leaning on the bed. She walked to one side and sat down. She stretched out her hand to touch Su Ruo's face, but before she could touch Su Ruo's face, Su Ruo suddenly opened her eyes, Knocked off his hand.

"Su Ruo, I think you should be friendly, after all, we are not enemies now." His hand was knocked down, Xiao Tang raised his eyebrows, there was no unnecessary expression on his handsome face.

"Don't touch me with the hands you've touched other women, I'll be disgusted." Su Ruo said hoarsely, she now hates Xiao Tang's touch very much.

When Xiao Tang saw Su Ruo's disgusting eyes, he got a little angry, which woman dared to be so presumptuous in front of him, he got up, walked to the window, looked out at the garden, he remembered his plan, She deliberately softened her voice and said: "Su Ruo, we are still husband and wife now, you know I don't really want to get married, so let's try again to see if it's suitable, if it's really not suitable for us to divorce, don't you think it's okay? ?”

When Su Ruo heard this, she looked at Xiao Tang's tall and straight back standing at the window, his words were a bit unexpected to her, what did he mean?
(End of this chapter)

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