Remarry my wife

Chapter 69 Mixed Race Man

Chapter 69 Mixed Race Man (4)

Su Ruo got up quickly, clutching the blanket in her hand, her pale face was already covered by red clouds, she looked at the man in front of her embarrassedly, when she saw the man's face clearly, she was stunned, this man was long He is really too handsome, a mixed race, with short chestnut hair, blue eyes, straight nose and thin lips, handsome face looks a little thin, wearing blue and white hospital clothes like her.

"I'm sorry, I...I don't know..." Su Ruo blushed and wanted to explain, but she actually slept on the man's leg for almost an afternoon.

"It's okay, I saw you reading this book with relish, and then I saw you fell asleep, so I wanted to come over to read your book, and then I saw you always slipping off the tree trunk, and I don't know which ward you are from , just adjusted your posture for you, you don’t mind if I read your book, right?” The man smiled and raised the book "August is Young" in his hand, with two deep dimples at the corners of his mouth, Not to mention how handsome and lovely.

"Of course...Of course I don't mind." Su Ruo shook her head, stammering a bit.

"Your face is so red!" The man continued to smile, his blue eyes were as clear as water.

Su Ruo blushed even more after being told this, she was so embarrassed that she didn't know where to put her hands while clutching the blanket.

"My name is Zheng Yuan, what about you?" The man still smiled and introduced himself.

Su Ruo was stunned by the man's words, Zheng Yuan?Isn't that the second son of the Zheng family?Is that the man playing the piano that Xiaotao mentioned?There are so few in this world!
Seeing Su Ruo stunned, Zheng Yuan was puzzled: "What's the matter? What's your name?"

"My name is Su Ruo, nice to meet you!" Su Ruo regained her senses, calmed herself down, and smiled on her face: "Thank you for making me a pillow for an afternoon, and I have to return this blanket to you. It's the ward."

"Are you going to leave so soon?" The expression on Zheng Yuan's face was a bit strange, which was hard to understand. .

"Yes, if you want to read this book, I will give it to you. I have finished reading it." Su Ruo smiled and stood up. She knew that she should not get too close to a man, especially the second son of the Zheng family. , in her heart, she was actually repulsive to the rich and powerful, and if she could do anything less, she would try to do as little as possible.

PS: I also want to make it faster, but in order to ensure the quality of the work, I can't make up the number of words hastily, and I haven't saved the manuscript, so please forgive me.Well, why do you only watch but don't bookmark and subscribe? Please take a few seconds to click the bookmark, subscribe and vote in the upper right corner. The author's request should not be too much! 3Q! !

(End of this chapter)

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