Remarry my wife

Chapter 70 Xiao Tang is angry

Chapter 70 Xiao Tang is angry (1)

"Then thank you. Which ward are you in? I'll return it to you after reading it!" Zheng Yuan also got up. He is very tall. He must be above 1 meters. Su Ruo is 8 meters tall. Standing next to him Shorter than half a head.

"No need, just treat you as my thank you for my pillow all afternoon. Goodbye." Su Ruo smiled at him again, turned around and left, her heart skipped a beat when Zheng Yuan smiled brightly. too strange.

Looking at Su Ruo's back illuminated by the sun, and looking down at the woman with butterfly wings on the cover of this book, Zheng Yuan showed a smile of unknown meaning. The woman he saw in the sea of ​​flowers in Su's family was Su Ruo If, that piano piece was inspired by Su Ruo and composed for her, or he could name the piece August Weiyang...

Su Ruo went back to the ward and patted her heart, but her heart missed several beats. Thinking of those blue eyes, it was really likable.

As soon as I got back to the ward, I saw the man sitting by the bed with an uneasy face, spinning a pair of chopsticks in his hands.

"Are you willing to come back?" Xiao Tang heard the footsteps and raised his head to look at the woman in front of him.

"Why are you here again?" Su Ruo was a little panicked, thinking of the scene just now, it always seemed like she was stealing something outside, and her face was still hot now.

"How can I see such a beautiful picture if I don't come here?" Xiao Tang snorted and stood up.

"I don't understand what you said." Su Ruo turned around and walked to the bathroom.

After entering the bathroom, I turned on the faucet and carefully patted the water on my face, trying to cool down my face.

"The second son of the Zheng family is indeed a very handsome man. In the eyes of you women, he should be Prince Charming. Unexpectedly, my dear wife is as excited as those little girls." Xiao Tang didn't know when he walked to the bathroom door He leaned against the door and said mockingly.

Su Ruo felt uncomfortable when she heard it, took a towel beside her and carefully wiped her face, then frowned and looked at Xiao Tang: "I said, President Xiao, are you just kidding?"

(End of this chapter)

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