Remarry my wife

Chapter 71 Xiao Tang is angry

Chapter 71 Xiao Tang is angry (2)

"Delicious? Hehe... Woman, have you forgotten our agreement?" Xiao Tang's face became very ugly. When he came here just now, he happened to see Su Ruo sleeping on Zheng Yuan's feet from the window. He wanted to go over to have a look, but it happened that Su Ruo woke up, and after watching Su Ruo talk to him for a while before coming back, Xiao Tang was so excited, if it wasn't for the last time Sato Miyajiu said about Zheng Yuan and Zheng Yuan Things, he will go to him to 'talk'!
"President Xiao, I don't seem to have agreed to your agreement. Even if I really do that kind of thing, so what, the big deal is a divorce!" Su Ruo said indifferently, taking the lead for the first time. She is in such a good mood, she doesn't need to look at Xiao Tang's face and guess his thoughts, she can do her own thing as she likes, this feeling is really good, thinking of the things she did before, she is so stupid!
"Woman, don't go too far, do you think there is no other way to deal with it except divorce?" Xiao Tang suddenly became ruthless, grabbed Su Ruo's hand, and said coldly.

Being caught suddenly, Su Ruo was taken aback, Xiao Tang grabbed very hard, she only felt a sharp pain, her voice became sharp: "Let go of me, let me go..."

Xiao Tang frowned, let go of Su Ruo, then went to lock the door, even drew the curtains, and walked towards Su Ruo with a dark face.

"You...what are you going to do?" Seeing Xiao Tang approaching him aggressively, Su Ruo was a little afraid to back away.

"What are you doing? I'm going to teach you what women should and shouldn't do now! Don't think that you are in charge now, I'll let you know who is the real leader right away!" Xiao Tang said as he turned towards Su Ruo. go.

Xiao Tang, who is usually impassive in front of Su Ruo, is now like an angry lion. Seeing him approaching step by step, the cold air emanating from his body seems to put him in an ice cellar, she feels more and more terrifying , turned around and wanted to run out of the ward, Xiao Tang had already grabbed her with quick eyesight and quick hands.

Su Ruo panicked and wanted to scream loudly, but Xiao Tang covered her mouth all of a sudden, and could only make a whining sound, she watched Xiao Tang struggling with wide eyes in horror.

PS: This is the end of today's update, and it will continue tomorrow. I am not very slow in updating, and there are more than ten chapters in the past few days.

(End of this chapter)

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