Remarry my wife

Chapter 80 News Headlines

Chapter 80 News Headlines (2)

Chen Xiaoyan smiled, stretched out his hand and rubbed Su Ruo's stomach: "Let's go, let's eat first, you can think about things when you are full."

Su Ruo nodded, then got up and went to the bathroom to wash up...

The two sat in the dining room for dinner. Chen Xiaoyan had the habit of reading today's newspaper for dinner. When the housekeeper handed over the newspaper, she had only opened a few pages, and she was stunned when she saw a photo on it.

She quickly glanced at the content of the information, and then looked at Su Ruo who was having dinner in Sven.

Su Ruo sensed Chen Xiaoyan's gaze, and looked at her a little puzzled.

"Ruoruo, you've been in the newspaper." Chen Xiaoyan said in surprise, after reading the newspaper, he smiled thoughtfully, "The photo is not bad, the man is handsome and the woman is beautiful."

"What do you mean?" Su Ruo looked puzzled, and took the newspaper from Chen Xiaoyan's hand.

The newspaper is the entertainment section of City R's daily. There is a large photo on it that is extremely attractive, and the headline on it is even more provocative: "The wife of Xiao Tang, the richest businessman in City R, has a private date with a handsome mixed race. The two are intimate as if no one else is around." .

In that photo, Su Ruo was sleeping with Zheng Yuan's legs on her pillow. In the photo, she was asleep with a faint smile on her mouth, while Zheng Yuan was looking down at herself tenderly. Don't mention how ambiguous the photo of the two of them is.

"This...Xiaoyan..." Su Ruo was speechless in shock.

"Ruoruo, I believe that you are not the same as shown in the photo." Chen Xiaoyan said with certainty, which made Su Ruo feel more at ease.

"How can it be written like this, I and the second son of the Zheng family are not like what they said!" Su Ruo was very angry, how could it be possible to write so casually, saying that the two were dating in the hospital in private, and they were intimate and acted like no one else was there.

"You don't know the abilities of these paparazzi, but it's really surprising. How could you be photographed? This is Zheng Yuan, the second son of the Zheng family, right?" Chen Xiaoyan was puzzled.

Su Ruo felt weird in her heart, but she couldn't tell what was strange. She never thought that she would be featured in the newspapers, except that year when she was married to the Xiao family and held a grand wedding that was published in the newspapers, this was her first time. 2 times in the newspaper, but it obviously disgraced her.

(End of this chapter)

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