Remarry my wife

Chapter 81 News Headlines

Chapter 81 News Headlines (3)

Hearing Su Ruo tell himself about the scene that day, Chen Xiaoyan also felt strange, Zheng Yuan's appearance was too coincidental, there must be some purpose, besides, how could it be possible for someone to be photographed by such a coincidence?
Chen Xiaoyan said that Zheng Yuan had a problem, Su Ruo thought of Zheng Yuan's clean and clear blue eyes, what purpose did he have in doing this?

"This is most likely created by Xiao Tang's opponent. He wanted to make Xiao Tang lose face, and you just became their tool." Chen Xiaoyan analyzed.

Su Ruo frowned, these people are really too much!Xiao Tang must have read this newspaper. Will he hate her even more? If he finds him, what will happen to him?It's kind of scary just thinking about it!
"Ruoruo, nothing will happen!" Chen Xiaoyan stretched out his hand and patted Su Ruo, comforting him.

Su Ruo smiled, said nothing more, bowed her head and started to eat.

Chen Xiaoyan still needs to go to the nightclub at night, Su Ruo feels very uncomfortable, she asked Chen Xiaoyan to go to work by himself, and went back to the room to rest.

Knowing that the wound on Su Ruo's forehead hadn't healed completely, Chen Xiaoyan was a little worried and asked the housekeeper to call a doctor.

After seeing the doctor, he said there was nothing wrong, so Chen Xiaoyan ordered the servant to go to work.

And Su Ruo got on the pillow again, and fell asleep in a short while. This night, she slept very unsteadily. She had a terrible nightmare. In the dream, she knelt on the ground holding a bloody thing. There were two men standing beside them, they were arguing about something, Su Ruo looked up at them, but couldn't see their faces clearly...

Intermittent nightmares filled Su Ruo all night.

Xiao's side.

Xiao Tang notified the members of Su's family, and then went back to Xiao's house. After taking a bath, he read today's newspaper while having a meal. He easily saw the headlines on the entertainment section. He tore up the newspaper fiercely, and then told the butler with a cold face: "Go and find out the source of this news for me immediately!"

The butler withdrew.

Xiao Tang continued to eat, and received a call from Pan Ziyuan on the way. As for the content, it was a newspaper matter. Hearing Pan Ziyuan's teasing voice, Xiao Tang said a few words before hanging up in a bad mood.

(End of this chapter)

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