Remarry my wife

Chapter 82 News Headlines

Chapter 82 News Headlines (4)

He is a person who values ​​face very much. Su Ruo's headlines this time made him lose face. Everyone knows that his wife has committed adultery with other men behind his back, and his husband is born with a certain high hat.

The more he ate the food, the less tasteful he was. He called the bodyguards and ordered in a cold voice: "Tomorrow morning, you go to Zheng's company or Xu's house, and politely 'invite' Miss Xu Ningning to come to Xiao's house as a guest!"

The bodyguard has been with Xiao Tang for many years. When Xiao Tang said this, he already understood and nodded quickly.

"Don't invite the wrong person, go to Secretary Li and get a photo of her, okay?" Xiao Tang added.

"Yes, master!" The bodyguard replied respectfully.

Xiao Tang waved his hand, signaling them to go down.

After a few mouthfuls of food, he called Sato Miyahisa, and the two made an appointment to meet at a nightclub. As for Pan Ziyuan, this kid would definitely follow.

Su Ruo got up early in the morning and had a nightmare last night, her heart was so stuffed up that she felt like something was happening.

Not long after Chen Xiaoyan got off work, Su Ruo went to wash her face, greeted Chen Xiaoyan who was taking a shower in the bathroom, and then went downstairs to take a walk beside the villa.

In the early morning at the end of summer and autumn, it was already cool, and the sun came out of the thick clouds little by little. It rained all night last night, and the ground was wet.

The air was very fresh. Su Ruo took a deep breath while walking. After yesterday's panic, her heart was calm at this moment.

She doesn't complain anymore, people live for decades, cherish the good things, learn to adapt to the bad things, until you get used to it, then you won't feel much.

Open your hands, the first ray of sunshine between heaven and earth shines on Su Ruo's body, life can actually be beautiful, as long as you learn to live by yourself, come on, Su Ruo!
When walking back to the villa, Chen Xiaoyan who was standing at the door was smiling at her, and Su Ruo also smiled back. .
"Are you feeling better today?" Chen Xiaoyan asked after seeing Su Ruo's complexion.

"It's much better, the weather is really nice today." Su Ruo said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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