Remarry my wife

Chapter 83 I'm Threatened

Chapter 83 I'm Threatened (1)

"Well, it won't be too hot today, come on, let's eat! I'm starving to death."

Su Ruo nodded and followed Chen Xiaoyan in.

What is a friend?Friends are like Chen Xiaoyan, who can come out to comfort you when you are in trouble, tell you to be strong when you are wandering, and smile with you when you recover.

The two chatted and ate, and the atmosphere was very harmonious. Chen Xiaoyan told the funny story of last night, which almost made Su Ruo laugh so hard.

The breakfast had just been finished, and the two of them had just sat and chatted for a while, when the housekeeper came over with a phone.

Chen Xiaoyan frowned, who called herself before 9 o'clock, didn't they know that she wouldn't answer the phone during the day?

"Miss, it's Miss Xu's call." The housekeeper said.

Xu Ningning?Chen Xiaoyan answered the phone and said: "This girl must be looking for you, I told her yesterday that you are here with me."

Just as Chen Xiaoyan answered the phone, the words from Xu Ningning made her frown.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Chen Xiaoyan's expression changed, Su Ruo was puzzled and felt a bad feeling in his heart.

"Xiao Tang is looking for you!" Chen Xiaoyan said with a frown, and handed the phone to Su Ruo.

Su Ruo froze for a moment, seeing Chen Xiaoyan's angry look, she answered the phone nervously, and gave a soft feed.

"Su Ruo, go home, your good friend Xu Ningning is visiting Xiao's house!" Xiao Tang's voice without emotion came from the phone.

"You... what do you mean?" Su Ruo was a little dumbfounded when she heard that, Xiao Tang actually used her friend to blackmail her, it was too much!
"It means, you go home right away, otherwise I don't know what I will do to Miss Xu!" Xiao Tang said every word.

"Don't go too far!" Su Ruo was so angry that she stood up and yelled at the phone.

"I'm not as extreme as your dear wife, who ran away from home for me every three days, and made such a bunch of gossip." Xiao Tang sneered.

"You..." Su Ruo just felt that she was going to die of anger, she was not very good at talking, let alone swearing, so "you" couldn't say a word for a long time.

"I'll give you an hour. It's 8:57 now. If I don't see you before 9:57, then I will, Ms. Xu..." Xiao Tang looked at the clock on the opposite side, and said slowly. Give Su Ruo a chance to speak and hang up the phone directly.

PS: It's on the shelves today, because I've been a little busy recently, and I haven't saved any manuscripts. I've written all my codes today. I just updated 5 chapters, and there are 15 chapters left. Today, there are more than 20 chapters!Code until I can't move, refresh the page when you have time!Or get a subscription, this feature is still very useful, although sometimes it is a bit delayed.

(End of this chapter)

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