The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 1095 You will stay in this book forever, and you will never be able to get out again

Chapter 1095 You will stay in this book forever, and you will never be able to get out again

After she finished speaking, the woman suddenly realized that from the beginning, the plot of the whole story had been completely deviated.

According to the existing plot, it is obvious that the heroine of this drama has become the woman named Bai Yingying.

Moreover, according to Shen Miaowei's description, she was very sure that this Bai Yingying had super strong golden fingers and was probably a time traveler.

Looking at the heroine that I carefully crafted, being forced to be like this by the heroine wearing a book, I am very angry because the woman is too big.

It is said that the author is the king in her own works, but in this book of hers, why is she so aggrieved as the author?
However, the plot has developed like this, what can she do?Whole book torn down and rewritten?
At this moment, Shen Qinghong put his hands on his chest and quickly made several gestures. Then, from the sky, a book and a pen suddenly flew down.

Shen Qinghong took it, and then handed the book and pen to the woman.

"You are the writer, this story is not over yet, you can use this pen to rewrite the ending of the story."

"A magical pen!" Excited and shocked, the Heavenly Dao system ordered Wang Song: "Take that pen and tell her that if she changes the ending, she will stay in this book forever."

Wang Song got the order, and immediately flew over with flapping wings, and the moment he flew towards the woman, the powerful suction force from the Heavenly Dao system swept the plot book and the magic pen.

The Heavenly Dao System entered a series of information into the plot book through a magical pen.

At the same time, countless thoughts and memories suddenly appeared in the woman's mind.

Heavenly Dao System: "You cannot rewrite the plot with the pen of magic, because if you rewrite the plot with the pen of magic, then you will become a part of the plot, and you will stay in this book forever, and you will never be able to get out again."

Women are big: "Who are you?"

Heavenly Dao System: "The heavenly way is like the heavenly way of reincarnation."

At this time, Shen Qinghong slapped Wang Song, and only heard a "bang", Wang Song was hit and fainted immediately.

As for Shen Miaowei, she walked over, snatched the plot book and the magic pen that Wang Song was protecting under her body, then turned around and walked in front of the woman Wei Da.

"Write it."

The woman looked at Shen Miaowei for a long time, and then at Yang Xiaofeng beside her, her heart jumped in fright.

This woman, but she wrote it herself, how cruel she is, as the author, she is the most clear.

Looking at her eyes now, it seems that anger is gathering, if she refuses to obey, I'm afraid she will turn her face immediately.

"Oh, my headache is dead." The woman rubbed her forehead to pretend to have a headache.

She doesn't want to stay in the book as a paper figure for the rest of her life, so she must not write until she finds out what's going on.

Shen Miao frowned slightly, "Why do you suddenly have a headache?"

Women are the big ones: "I think about the plot every day, of course I have a headache, and I'm also very hungry, can you give me something to eat first."

There was no other way, Shen Miaowei had no choice but to let Yang Xiaofeng get her some wild fruits from the mountains to satisfy her hunger.

The woman frowned at the sour wild fruit, which was too unpalatable.

If she was trapped in this book for the rest of her life, wouldn't she be unable to play games, listen to songs, or do anything she wanted?
Just as she was thinking, there was a "poof" in front of her, and the woman's heart skipped a beat. When she looked up, she saw a dagger stuck on the table in front of her, and Yang Xiaofeng looked at her gloomyly.

(End of this chapter)

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