Chapter 1096
"Are you full? Write when you're full!"

The woman is so angry, but there is nothing she can do. Who told her to write about Yang Xiaofeng's martial arts so well.

Then again, this Bai Yingying was really powerful, she gave Shen Miaowei so many cheats, she could still snatch the heroine away, this ability had to be admired.

Thinking about it this way, she really wanted to meet this Bai Yingying.

Women are big: "Do you think you can write if you want to? You scare me like this, how can I have the mood to think about the plot?"

Yang Xiaofeng: "You don't need to think about it, you can write whatever my girl tells you to do."

At this moment, Shen Miao came over slightly, "You just write that Bei Chen Yue quietly returned to the palace, had an affair with Bai Yingying, was caught by Chu Tianci on the spot, and then threw her into the dungeon and tortured her every day."

Shen Miaowei became more and more excited as she spoke, her eyes were shining brightly, "He was hurt by love, and he was in pain. A senior scholar told him that there was a place in this world called Wangyou Valley, which could help him forget his sorrows. So, Chu Tian Ci followed the senior scholar and came to Wangyou Valley together.

And I was waiting for him in Wangyou Valley. I helped him forget his emotional pain and troubles. He spoiled me and loved me to the bone, took me back to the palace, and made me his queen.

After I became a queen, the first thing I did was to go to the Heavenly Prison, skin the woman who harmed him, make her skin into a drum, and her bones into a lute..."

The more she spoke to the back, the more permeable Shen Miaowei's voice became, the words she gnashed her teeth made one's hair stand on end.

The woman panicked because of Da Yue's hearing. This woman is too scary.

How could the heroine she created be such a terrifying woman?
Originally, a woman was so big because she was worried that she would be left in this book forever, so she didn't want to write it, but now, her conscience did not allow her to write it like this.

This is too cruel. If she writes it out, she is afraid that she will be in a cycle of fear forever.

The woman frowned for Dawei: "You talk so much at once, how can I write it? Besides, you are just an outline, and I need to think carefully about the specific details inside. Why don't you go out first and let me alone People are here to think quietly."

Yang Xiaofeng looked at Shen Miaowei, Shen Miao frowned slightly, "I will give you a day, if you don't see the complete plot in the morning tomorrow, I will kill you."

The woman was furious: "I am the author, how dare you threaten me like this? Do you believe that I can write you to death immediately?"

Shen Qinghong smiled faintly, and said confidently: "Miao'er, don't worry, this magical stroke can only infinitely get closer to the ending of this book, you are the master of the book, she can't hurt you."

"Dizzy!" The woman felt like she was fainting while holding her forehead: What the hell is this magic pen?I remember that I didn’t write it in my novel.

Shen Miao ignored her slightly and let Yang Xiaofeng take Wang Song away.

The woman hurriedly stopped him for Dalian: "Leave him here, I still have some questions about that Bai Yingying that I want to ask him. Since you are rivals in love, it is impossible for you to be together all the time. There are many questions about Bai Yingying and Chu Tianci." Probably don't even know the secret.

There is a saying that if you know yourself and know your enemy, you will win a hundred battles. If I can't understand the things between them clearly, I can't write the plot you just mentioned satisfactorily. "

Shen Miao frowned slightly and looked at Shen Qinghong, Shen Qinghong nodded.

When the three of them went out, Shen Miao asked slightly, "Uncle, if the two of them are together, will they run away? Or discuss some bad move?"

(End of this chapter)

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