The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 124 What's happening with the prince recently?

Chapter 124 What's happening with the prince recently?
Yu Juechen paused, and continued: "Two years ago, after Shen Wang took Shen Miaowei back, the yard was sold to an outsider.

What is strange is that within three days after this family lived in, a big fire broke out at night, and all the people and the yard were burned down.

And the person who originally lived in that yard to take care of Shen Miaowei was also missing. My people searched there for three days, so far, there is still no clue. "

Chu Tianci's eyes were slightly cold, he tapped lightly on the armrest of the wheelchair, Liu Guang pushed him forward to the bookshelf.

Chu Tianci took a book from the shelf, opened it, and took out half of the jade pendant inside.

He twisted the rope of the jade pendant, shook it in front of his eyes, and then handed it to Yu Juechen: "Go and check, the owner of this jade pendant."

Yu Juechen reached out to take it, nodded and agreed: "Yes."

He took the jade pendant and looked at it for a while, remembering what happened in Medicine Ghost Valley before, he was a little surprised: "This half jade pendant and Shen Miaowei's half are from the same jade pendant?"

Chu Tianci nodded. He took out a note from another book and handed it to Yu Juechen: "On that day, the imperial city was destroyed, and this king was escorted out of the city. On the way, he was ambushed and hunted down. ...When I woke up again, I had this note and half of the jade pendant next to me."

Yu Juechen reached out to take it, and glanced at it: "The writing on this note was written with his left hand, and it was deliberately scribbled. It seems that the person who saved you didn't seem to want you to know his identity. "

Chu Tianci lightly stroked Jasper's finger, and pondered for a moment: "I don't want this king to know his identity. I think it was because his identity was sensitive at the time. Perhaps, he was originally a member of the opponent's camp, and he suddenly extended a helping hand to this king. Leaving these two keepsakes is probably because I want to leave a room for myself.

It's just that back then, father, queen and queen passed away one after another, mountains and rivers were broken, and this king was hunted down by others. There was simply no place for this king in the world.

At that time, who would believe that there is still a day for this king to make a comeback? "

Yu Juechen pondered for a while, then continued Chu Tianci's words: "However, judging from the letter left, the other party seems to be very convinced that you will have a comeback day. He is basically planning for the future of his family."

Chu Tianci nodded slightly: "This is also the reason why I haven't asked you to investigate them all these years. However, since they have come to you now, I have no choice but to investigate this matter clearly."

Yu Juechen nodded: "Don't worry, I will definitely find out what happened back then and explain it to you."

Chu Tianci nodded to him, and asked again: "What's happening with the prince recently?"

Yu Juechen replied: "Last night, when the prince left Haodu Restaurant, he was in a very happy mood. He called two popular oirans to go to the Prince's East Palace in Yihonglou. Before I entered the Qin Palace, the Prince had not left the East Palace."

Chu Tianci raised his hand: "Go and make arrangements, this king wants to meet the prince secretly tonight."

Yu Juechen and Liu Guang agreed in unison.

Chu Tianci thought for a while, and then said: "Recently, I heard that Shen Wang has some problems, so I went to investigate, and after I found out, I will release the news to Yushitai."

Yu Juechen was slightly surprised and asked, "Didn't His Highness want to investigate Shen Miaowei? Why did he suddenly want to investigate Shen Wang?"

Chu Tianci glanced at him: "This king has his own conclusions, you can check it yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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