The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 125 There is a jade flute named Mo Shang

Chapter 125 There is a jade flute named Mo Shang

Yu Juechen no longer asked each other, but nodded in agreement.

Chu Tianci waved his hand, Yu Juechen saluted him respectfully, turned around and walked out the door.

"and many more."

Before he reached the door, Chu Tianci stopped him again.

Yu Juechen was slightly surprised, and turned to look at him: "What orders does Your Highness have?"

Chu Tianci spoke slowly: "I heard that there is a jade flute named Mo Shang in this world. Its sound quality is pure, melodious and melodious, and it is made of high-quality warm jade. It is warm in winter and cool in summer. It is very comfortable to use. While you're at it, go and check, where is this Mo Shang now?"

Yu Juechen still felt a little baffled by Chu Tian's resignation of those orders before.

But now Yu Juechen finally understood this order.

This Mo Shang was obviously looking for his little princess.

So just now, he wanted to investigate Shen Wang by himself, was it because of his little princess?
And the prince?

When Yu Juechen thought of this, he suddenly felt that he had discovered a big secret.

He leaned over cheekily, and asked in a low voice, "Did your little concubine take good care of you these two days?"

Chu Tianci frowned, his cold gaze pierced through like a sharp sword.

Yu Juechen looked proud: "I know if you don't admit it, your little princess must have tried all the poses in the book I gave you on you, so that we can give our majestic His Royal Highness King Qin Sleeping clothes."

"Find a fight!"

Chu Tianci couldn't bear it anymore, he raised his hand and waved it towards Yu Juechen.

Yu Juechen hurriedly dodged to the side, and while hiding, he still didn't forget to tease: "No wonder you defended her so much just now and showed no mercy to me, so you have already tested it.

Hey, I, Yu Juechen, really miscalculated, miscalculated..."


Leng Qiuyuan.

Mei Xiang has already woken up, but because of the serious injury, she cannot get out of bed yet.

When Bai Yingying walked in, Mei Xiang's eyes immediately became moist.

She stretched out her hand towards Bai Yingying and called out, "Miss—"

The hoarse voice, the scars of pulling the vocal cords, made her teary eyelashes due to the pain.

Bai Yingying hurriedly held her hand and comforted her softly: "It's okay, Mei Xiang, with me here from now on, no one can bully you anymore."

Mei Xiang was so moved that she burst into tears, Bai Yingying hurriedly took out the handkerchief and wiped it for her.

"Miss, I can't help it, the servants will come by themselves."

Mei Xiang took the veil, wiped her face, put it away, and then gently pushed Bai Yingying: "Miss, I'm fine. You hurry back, today is your day to return, don't keep His Highness King Qin waiting."

She paused for a moment, and then carefully instructed: "Miss, after you go back, you must be careful of Zi He."

Bai Yingying asked: "Why should you be careful about Zihe? She has been with me for eight years, so it can be said that she grew up with me."

Mei Xiang glanced outside, and urged anxiously: "Miss, you should go first, and when you come back, Mei Xiang will tell you carefully, any delay will delay the auspicious time to return home."

Is there an auspicious time to return home?

This is the first time Bai Yingying heard of it.

She patted her hands, "I'm afraid we will really be delayed today."

When Mei Xiang heard this, her heart turned cold, and her face was full of worry.

Bai Yingying glanced at her reassuringly, "Your Highness is too busy today, and I sprained my ankle again, so it's really inconvenient to go out, so this time, the door ceremony will be waived.

Anyway, they are all in Jinling City, and they can go back to visit their parents anytime in the future. "

There is not even a wedding, where does the return gift come from?

Although Bai Yingying didn't care about these common etiquettes, she was somewhat lonely in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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