The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 199 I don't know if you want to share a share with me?

Chapter 199 I don't know if you want to share a piece of the pie with me?

Bai Yingying and Lou Cangyue are doing men's clothing today.

Bai Yingying still had two mustaches sticking to her lips.

The clothes on them are all elegant brocades.

The clerks of the Haodu Restaurant, each with a pair of piercing eyes, saw the two rich and noble sons approaching the door, and immediately greeted them.

Someone helped them lead the carriage to the stable, and someone followed them with a smile.

"You two, do you want to eat or stay in a hotel? What kind of room do you need? Do you need additional services?"

Bai Yingying didn't go around with him, and said directly: "I want to see your Boss Jin, please inform me."

The guy took a look at the two of them again, and saw that the two of them were really extraordinary, and their identities must not be simple, so he nodded in agreement, and turned to find the shopkeeper Jin Huanjin.

Not long after, Jin Huan came down from upstairs. He took a look at the two of them and felt that one of them looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him before.

Jin Huan was able to open a big restaurant in Jinling City that was liked by most of the rich and powerful, so it was not a problem for him to be tactful.

Although he failed to recognize Bai Yingying, he still greeted them with a smile on his face.

"The two sons are looking for me, I don't know why?"

Bai Yingying was the first to speak: "I have a business and I want to do it with Boss Jin, can I have a chance to talk?"

Jin Huan looked at Bai Yingying carefully for a while, then nodded with a smile: "Yes, please follow me."

Thus, Jin Huan took Bai Yingying and Lou Cangyue up to the second floor, and then led them to a living room at the end of the second floor.

At this time, Yue Tingfeng came out from a room in the middle of the second floor. He looked at Bai Yingying's back, and his eyes suddenly became hot.

Is that her?
Why did she disguise herself as a woman and appear here?

Why did she find Boss Jin?
Could it be that they are here to talk about playing the flute in a restaurant?
Thinking of this, Yue Tingfeng's heart felt hot, and he followed subconsciously.

In front of him, Jin Huan brought Bai Yingying and his party to the living room at the end.

He pushed open the door, then stood at the door and made a "please" gesture with a smile on his face.

"Please, two gentlemen."

Bai Yingying was not polite either, she brought Lou Cangyue in together.

Xiaohong and Xiaocui followed closely carrying the boxes.

Jin Huan was about to enter when he saw Yue Tingfeng walking towards him.

Before Yue Tingfeng came to his side, he smiled and said: "Brother Jin, we had a good chat just now, why did you run away?
"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Jin Huan immediately smiled and explained to Yue Tingfeng in a low voice: "Two distinguished guests came here just now, and they said they wanted to discuss a business with Jin."

"Oh? What deal?" Yue Tingfeng showed a very interested look on his face: "I'm looking for some interesting deals recently, I wonder if Brother Jin would like to share a piece of the pie with me?"

"What did Mr. Yue say? If Mr. Yue is by your side, Jin will only rest assured."

As he said that, he stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation to Yue Tingfeng: "Please, Mr. Yue."

Yue Tingfeng smiled and walked in. His posture was elegant and his movements were elegant. His demeanor was like a banished fairy, giving people a feeling of being out of the world.

He looked at Bai Yingying and was slightly taken aback.

The young girl has bright eyes and bright teeth, and she has a peerless appearance, yet she is dressed in men's clothing.

Not only did he dress up in men's clothing, he even put on a mustache.

While Yue Tingfeng was stunned, a sense of sadness rose in her heart.

It seems that His Royal Highness King Qin really cares about her. When she goes out, she has to dress like this to be at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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