The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 200 Definitely Has Its Excellence

Chapter 200 Definitely Has Its Excellence

Bai Yingying saw Yue Tingfeng, nodded slightly to him, and then asked pretending not to know: "Boss Jin, who is this?"

Jin Huan immediately introduced them to the two of them: "This is Mr. Tingfeng from our Jinling City. He is the number one on the list of Mr. Fengyun. He just heard that the two of you have a deal. He wants to talk to me. He is very happy." Interested, so I invited him in.

You two won't mind. "

Bai Yingying waved her hands, and said with a generous face, "Of course not. You don't have to worry about the number of people in business. The more people you have, the more popular you are. Why would I mind?"

Yue Tingfeng asked, "I don't know the names of the two sons."

Lou Cangyue thought for a while and said, "My surname is Mu."

Bai Yingying said: "My surname is Bai. Everyone calls me Lao Bai, and you can call me that too."

Lao Bai? ?
Yue Tingfeng almost thought that his ears were hallucinating.

It's really surprising that she, who is so beautiful and moving, even gave herself such a nickname.

Bai Yingying stopped being polite, and directly gestured to Xiaohong.

Xiaohong immediately carried the box in her hand, walked to the center of the room, and opened the box in front of everyone, revealing a square box.

She took out the box and put it on the table in front of her. Then she opened the box and broke out a horn the size of a fist inside.

After everything was ready, she looked at Bai Yingying: "My lord, I'm ready."

Bai Yingying walked over and pointed to the player on the table, "The business I'm here to talk about today is this."

"This is?" Jin Huan looked at the thing, a little confused.

He has seen a lot in his life, but he has never seen this thing.

Yue Tingfeng also looked confused.

However, he didn't ask any questions, but walked over, looked down carefully, then looked up at Bai Yingying, and asked, "This thing looks a bit like a trumpet, can it make a sound?"

"Smart!" Bai Yingying praised: "This is exactly a machine that can make sound."

As soon as she said this, the interest in Jin Huan's eyes faded a lot, "There are many things that can happen in this world, let's take a piece of paper as an example, you can make a sound by shaking it like that twice, if this There's nothing unusual about machines that just make sounds."

Yue Tingfeng didn't think so, and he retorted: "This Bai Gongzi, at first glance, is a mature and stable person. Since he wants to trade this thing, then this thing must have its advantages."

As he said that, he turned his head to look at Bai Yingying, and asked enthusiastically, "Please tell me, Mr. Bai, what is the function of this thing?"

Bai Yingying didn't speak, but directly turned on the playback switch.

Immediately afterwards, beautiful and moving music flowed from the player, filling the entire room in an instant.

Jin Huan was startled in an instant, and his eyes, which were not very interested at first, were immediately attracted, and he was stuck on that magical machine and couldn't get up and down.

Yue Tingfeng was also shocked.

He originally thought that at most it was a machine that could produce a slightly nicer sound, but he never expected that this machine could actually sing the music of "Flowers Are Too Fragrant".

And, apparently, the flower is so fragrant that it has been reworked.

The soundtrack behind the main flute sound is rich and colorful, which makes the flute sound more perfect.

In this full-bodied piece of music, the "clank" sound of the guqin has also become an embellishment, but it is embellished just right, it is simply too perfect.

(End of this chapter)

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