The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 215 Don't Think About Things That Don't Belong To You

Chapter 215 Don't Think About Things That Don't Belong To You

Yu Juechen: "..."

He choked for a moment, unable to refute.

Liu Guang on the side glared at him fiercely, and made up the knife expressionlessly: "This subordinate finally understands why the Master Yu Pavilion is so old, not bad-looking, and has a lot of money, why is there no daughter-in-law?" , the original reason is here.

How can a person who is greedy for five taels of silver find a wife? "

Yu Juechen: "..."

While the three of them were chatting, the price of the Magic Sound player outside had soared to 5000 taels.

It is the highest price among all the auction items tonight.

The most terrifying thing is that those bidders are still chasing after each other.

In the end, this magic sound player was auctioned by Prince Chu Li at a sky-high price of 10 taels.

Chu Li was overjoyed.

After the auction host made the final decision, he couldn't wait to run out of his room, and then took Lin Xiu to the trading room to pay the money and pick up the goods.

When he came out of the room, he ran into Chu Yi.

Seeing his breezy expression, Chu Yi felt a little clear in his heart.

10 taels!The prince said buy it and bought it!

He gritted his teeth with hatred in his heart, but there was a smile on his face.

He walked up to meet him quickly, with a very respectful face: "Brother Huang, what a coincidence. Look at Brother Huang, did you just capture something you like?"

Chu Li laughed, with a smug expression on his face: "It's okay, it will be the emperor's grandmother's birthday in a few days. As the emperor's grandma's most beloved grandson, I naturally have to carefully prepare a gift for her."

As he said that, he looked at Chu Yi as if, and asked, "I wonder if the second brother has prepared a gift for the emperor's grandmother?"

Chu Yi: "Not yet."

Chu Li asked: "The goods auctioned by Jinding Auction House today are still considered treasures. Didn't the second brother take a fancy to any of them?"

Lin Xiu on the side smiled and said, "Your Highness, His Highness King Yi was in VIP room No. [-] just now, and his subordinates heard room No. [-] raising a sign."

"Oh..." Chu Li had a wild smile on his face. He moved closer to Chu Yi and teased in a low voice: "I am the crown prince, if you want to fight with me, you will definitely not be able to do so. Unexpectedly, you won't be able to win even if you compete with other people except Ben Gong.

So, Ben Gong advises the second younger brother to be a Yi Wang in peace and stability in the future, and stop thinking about things that don't belong to you. "

After finishing speaking, Chu Li didn't even look at Chu Yi, and walked outside triumphantly.

Seeing Chu Li's arrogant appearance, Pound clenched his fists angrily and stepped forward.

Chu Yi stopped Pang De, and said in a low voice, gritted his teeth: "Ade, don't worry, he won't be proud for long."


When Su Xiao came out of the room, some subordinates came up and whispered something in his ear.

Su Xiao frowned slightly: "Until now, no one has traded Mo Shang in the trading room?"

The man nodded: "Yes, my lord, we also checked the person who just held up the placard at the venue, he is the guy of Jinding Auction."

Su Xiao nodded slightly, and pondered: "It seems that the other party entrusted Jinding Pai to hold the placard."

As he spoke, he reached out and took out a black veil from his sleeve, covered his face, then turned around and walked towards the trading room.

When the subordinates saw it, they hurriedly followed.

Su Xiao broke into the trading room directly, and flew to the front table like the wind, propping up the table with both hands, looking at the person in charge of the transaction.

"Mo Shang!"

The staff member looked him up and down, then frowned: "I'm sorry, Mo Shang has already been sold to someone else."

(End of this chapter)

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